Watch Folders provide a method for importing content behind the scenes. A folder is selected to hold Video/Stills and another for Graphics. When a media file is copied into one of these folders, it is imported and appears in the Watch Folder Import window. You can then drag the file into a Media Page and then act as any other Media Button.
Configure a Watch Folder
From the main menu bar,
- Press Ctrl+W, or select Edit > Watch Folder.
- The Watch Folder Import dialog displays.
- Click the settings button.
- The Watch Folder Settings dialog displays.
- Enable (check) the Enable checkbox.
- Select folders on the Media Drive that will act as Video/Graphics WATCH and Video/Graphics LIVE locations.
- The WATCH folder is where you will drop the media file.
- The LIVE folder is where Click Effects PRIME will store the media file after it has been imported.
- Set the View Mode. The View Mode sets which type of Media Buttons will be on the left or right of the Watch Folder Import dialog.
- Video/stills first
- Graphics first
- Set Graphics File Types: Watch Folders support image files in only TGA or JPG format for Graphics buttons. Click Effects PRIME creates a new GFX button of the behavior you select, and adds the image. Any of the supported image file formats may be imported to the Video/Stills folder, where they are automatically sized and added as STILL buttons.
File types
Select or both of the following to allow the Watch Folder to import:
Select how the graphic will behave:
- Bug
- Overlay
- Fullscreen Graphic
During a Click Effects session, you should keep the Watch Folder Import window open on the desktop.
As media files are copied to the Video or Graphics WATCH Folder, each appears in the Watch Folder Import dialog as a Media Button with a default thumbnail. You may then click and drag the Media Button to the Media Page.
Click Effects temporarily switches to Organizer Mode until you drop the Media Button at the desired location, and then switches back to Player Mode.
The Media Button disappears from the Watch Folder Import dialog at this time, after which the Media Button is now part of Click Effects PRIME, and performs like any other Media Button.
Note: When first appearing in the Media Page, the button is assigned to the “default” LED board. If this is an incorrect board: