The Administration and Configuration sections are used to set up the various components of the CAMIO system.
The CAMIO Device Management table displays current playout devices in use with the CAMIO system and the number of licensed channels. The total number of channels assigned cannot exceed the number of licensed channels.
Note that FolderWatcher channels do not count towards the total of licensed channels. Circled in red below. These are special playout channels that are used by the Media Engine’s Folder Watcher feature. Folder Watcher setup information is available in this document Installation and Configuration Guide for CAMIO5 Folder Watcher
Each Playout device is added to a row with the following information.
- Name: The name specified for the device. The device Name is how the machine is referenced in the Context menu Channel Assignment fields.
Type: Specifies the type of device that is used with the CAMIO system:
- Folder Watcher
- Lyric
- PowerClips
- Playout Host Name: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the device.
- Playout Folder: The local network share of the playout folder that is used to copy over rundown content.
- Physical Channels: Specifies the number of physical channels available to the device and their names.
- Enabled: Specifies either True or False to determine whether or not the device is currently active. It is important to disable any device that is not active, as not doing so may slow down CAMIO asset distribution and takes up a licensed channel.
Device Status: Specifies the status of live devices:
- A green circle signifies that the device is ready for use.
- A red circle signifies that access to the device is denied.
- A yellow circle signifies TBD.
- A grey circle signifies that the device is not enabled.
Delete: Select the corresponding Delete icon
to delete the device. Devices cannot be deleted if they are being mapped in the Context menu. You must first delete all references to a device in Context mapping before you can delete the device.
Create a new device
To create a new device:
- Click Create New Device. The following window displays. (See image)
- Set the following specifications for the new device:
- Name: Enter a user-friendly display name to easily identify the device.
- Type: From the drop-down box, select the type of playout device. (e.g., GS2/CRD, Lyric, Media Maker of PowerClips) to create.
- Modes: Defines the method with which assets are sent to the playout device. Defaults to Default. Other Modes are used only in very specific circumstances, and should not be selected without direction from Chyron Support.
- Playout Host Name: Input the Host Name or IP Address of the playout device. In general, using IP addresses improves system performance by eliminating possible DNS lookup delays. IP addresses can be used only if all playout devices are configured for fixed IP addresses and are not using DHCP.
- Playout Folder: Input the local network share of the playout folder, used by CAMIO to copy over Running Order content. Recommend using CAMIO4 as the playout folder share name.
- Playout Share Local Path: The local path of the playout folder on the playout device, which is required by PRIME and Lyric to locate and play out non-embedded assets. Recommend using I:/CAMIO4 as the playout path.
- Socket Port: Enter the port number to be used to send the MOS Running Order to the playout device’s CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer service. Defaults to 10542. This is changed only in special circumstances, as directed by Chyron Support.
- Enabled: Check/uncheck this checkbox to enable/disable the device upon creation. NOTE: It is extremely important that any playout devices that are not actively running playout software are disabled. A significant delay is introduced when CAMIO attempts to communicate with a playout device that is not active.
Physical Channels: A table showing the name and number of physical channels is displayed.
- To add another physical channel, use the text box below to input the desired name for the physical channel that is to be created, and then click the Add button.
- To remove a physical channel, click the corresponding Delete icon
Note: When selecting Type = Folder Watcher, the Playout Hostname will be automatically set to Localhost and the Mode will be set to Master Share. |
One of the functions of CAMIO is as an Asset Management system. It stores graphics templates, images and videos, along with descriptive metadata that makes these easier to find. Assets in CAMIO are stored in groups called ‘contexts’. A context is usually a group of assets that is used on a show or group of shows, but it can be used in many other ways. Contexts are created to organize these templates and assign specific playback hardware channels using the AdminTool Contexts menu.
Contexts are available from the drop-down menu in the templates and images tabs of LUCI. Contexts are generally created to separate distinct styles (i.e., morning news and evening news looks), but can also be used to group content available to specific individuals such as weather and sport Contexts.
Selecting Contexts displays the following:
The table displays a list of the existing contexts and information about them:
- Name: How the context is referred to in the CAMIO system.
- MOS Output Type: The only option available is LyricDataMessage.
- Asset Path: The hard drive location of the context. This is typically i:\camio4\contextname and should not be changed.
- Current MOS ID: Every time a new MOS Object is generated, it is automatically assigned the value of the Current MOS ID + 1. This is automatically reflected in the Current MOS ID field.
- Description: Any user-entered notes/description about the context.
- Delete: Click the corresponding red X to delete the context. A context cannot be deleted if it has any active MOS objects, which will be true in many cases.
Create a context
To create a new context,
- Select the Create New Context option. The following window displays
- Specify information pertaining to the context that is to be created.
- Name: Enter a name for the new context. The context name is used as a “Directory Namespace.” The context name must begin with a letter and may include underscore characters and a single dash, but no spaces. You cannot change the context name after the context is saved.
- Current MOS ID: The value of the Current MOS ID is automatically initialized to 10000, but can be changed to start at an arbitrary value. Before changing this value, note that when the completed messages are sent to the output device, they are sent to a folder, with the same name as the context, in the path set up using the Device Manager. Since the created message and template message are sent to the same folder, it is recommended that the current message number be set to a value higher than any of the template message numbers; so that they are not overwritten by created MOS object messages. The Current MOS ID is specified only on initial setup of a context. Once the initial setup is submitted, then you can no longer change this number. This is done to prevent the unintended overwrite of existing MOS objects.
- Description: Any information may be entered into this field to serve as notes or information pertaining to the context.
Channel Assignments: Each content must have channel assignments that map virtual channels (selected in LUCI) to physical channels on playout devices. Before any settings can be entered, playout devices must first be configured in the Device settings of the Admin Tools. Once the playout device is configured:
- Select the virtual channel.
- Select a configured playout device.
- Select the physical output channel. One virtual channel can be mapped to multiple output devices, but to only one channel per device.
- Copy from Context: Channel assignments can be copied from an existing context to speed up context creation and reduce errors.
One of the features of CAMIO is the ability to manage user permissions from a central location using the Admin Tool. The fundamental concept of user management in CAMIO is that users are assigned to Groups which are then given access to Contexts. The Admin Tools Group menu enables you to create, update and delete Groups.
The table displays the following information about the existing groups:
- Name: The name given to the Group.
- Description: A description about the Group as previously entered by the user.
- Type: Defaults to System. There are no other types used at this time.
Create a group
- Click the Create New Group button. The above window displays.
- Specify the following information pertaining to the Group that is to be created.
- Name: Specifies the name of the Group.
- Description: Descriptive information or notes about the Group.
- Users Assigned: You have to add at least one user to the Group. From the drop-down box, click the Add button to add the user to the Group.
- All Users Group:- All users automatically become part of the All Users group and cannot be removed from the group.
Context permission management
Different groups may be given access to different contexts. The Context Permission Management page is where you specify Context Permission.
The Name column displays a list of all of the Contexts on the CAMIO system. The corresponding Groups Permissioned column lists the Groups that are allowed access to the Context.
Edit group permissions
To edit which Groups are permissioned to a context:
- Click the name of the Context for which you would like to change permissions. The following window displays:
- The Context window displays the following information:
- Name of the Context
- A list of the names of the Groups that are currently allowed to access the Context.
- To add a Group, from the drop-down menu, select the Group to which you would like to grant access.
- Once the Group is specified, click Add, and then Save, to ensure that the Group is added.
- All Users Group - All users automatically become part of the All Users group and cannot be removed from it. If limiting access to a context is not a concern, then it is convenient to assign the ‘All User’ group to that context.
Ingest Folders
CAMIO offers a quick ingest method to upload objects directly into Asset Manager specified Context both locally and remotely when they are placed into a folder configured to ingest objects. CAMIO continuously monitors these folders and ingest objects placed into them, and deliver them to the CAMIO Context that is mapped to the ingest folder.
The Ingest Folder Management window displays previously created Ingest Folders and their parameters:
- Name – The name of the Ingest Folder.
- Description – Some descriptive words about the Ingest Folder.
- Path to Monitor – The system location of the Ingest Folder.
- File Pattern – The File pattern of the Ingest Folder, i.e., the file mask that determines which files to process. For example, *.jpg specifies that the Ingest folder will process only jpg files. Note that *.* specifies that the Ingest folder will process all files.
- Context – The Context to which the objects that are ingested are delivered.
- Serialization – Whether or not the file names will have automatically created unique tags.
- Use Sidecar XML – Whether or not the ingested files have metadata sidecars.
Create an ingest folder
To create a new ingest folder:
- Click the Create New Ingest Folder button. The above window displays.
- Specify the following pertaining to the new Ingest folder:
- Name – The name of the folder that CAMIO is to monitor.
- Description – Descriptive information about the folder
- Path to Monitor – The path to the folder that is to be monitored.
- File Pattern – Enter a file pattern in the format <file name>.<extension>. File Pattern specifies the file mask that determines which files to process. For example, *.jpg specifies that the Ingest folder will process only jpg files, i.e., c:\CAMIO\Ingest_Folder_Images\*.jpg will process only jpg files. Note that *.* specifies that the Ingest folder will process all files.
- Context – From the drop-down box, specify the Context to which the objects are to be delivered.
- Context Folder Path – From the drop-down box, specify to which folder in the Context the objects are to be delivered.
- Metadata Mapping – Select a metadata mapping rule that will be applied to assets ingested by this folder.
- Serialize File Names – Enabling this option will create unique tags for the file names in order to avoid inadvertent overwriting. NOTE: When enabled, you are prohibited from performing Upload Replace via the ingest folder, as a file name match will never be made.
- Sidecar XML – When enabled, the ingested files hold metadata sidecars. NOTE: The name of the sidecar file must be the same as the file being ingested with the extension of XML. ALSO Note: When enabled, no image will be ingested unless it has a corresponding sidecar XML file. Likewise, no XML file will be ingested without a corresponding image file.
Best Practice: It is recommended to place the ingest folder in the I: drive of the CAMIO server if possible. Avoid using mapped drives and network shares as they can be slow and unreliable. If a remote machine is sending assets to CAMIO via an ingest folder, then it is preferred to share the i:\ folder to the remote process rather than sharing a remote folder to CAMIO. |
AXIS Fulfillment Folders
Ingest Folders in CAMIO 4.x replace both the Fulfillment Folder and Hot Sync folders of CAMIO 3.x. If the incoming asset is a ‘deficient asset’ which was ordered through LUCI (i.e., from AXIS News, Maps or Order) then the asset will be delivered to the root of the context belonging to the LUCI template that ordered it. If the incoming asset is not a deficient asset, then it will be ingested into the context folder defined above in the Context and Context Folder Path settings. This context is typically named ‘Orphans’, to highlight that these assets were delivered incorrectly.
HubDrive is a Dropbox-style folder synchronization system used to distribute graphics content to playout devices on the CAMIO network. It is important to understand the difference between the assets managed by CAMIO and the assets managed by HubDrive.
- CAMIO Managed Assets - CAMIO manages the graphics templates, replaceable images and replaceable movie files. The producer uses these files to create MOS objects, using the MOS Plugin LUCI. CAMIO distributes these assets and the MOS Objects to playout devices that are mapped to a context in the device channel mapping.
- HubDrive Managed Assets - Lyric, PRIME and other graphics systems have many files required to play back a graphic. These can be graphics templates (as opposed to CAMIO templates) clip files, image files, etc. These are not the assets visible in LUCI, but are the graphics required to play the base message. These files are usually in a folder structure called the project files or package files.
Fore more info about HubDrive installation, configuration, and operation, see “Hub Drive CAMIO Setup Manual.” |
User Administration
User administration specifies user access to the CAMIO server. You can create, update and delete users, add or remove users from Groups, and grant users access to specified Contexts. Special users can be granted administrative and/or asset management roles. LUCI configuration settings are defined here.
There are two main classes of users: CAMIO Users and LUCI Users.
LUCI Users - These are reporters, producers and other users that use LUCI and the newsroom system to create and edit MOS Objects and rundowns.
- LUCI users do not require a password.
- The LUCI username is usually provided to LUCI by the newsroom system login.
- A LUCI user is automatically created whenever someone logs into LUCI with a new username.
- By default, all LUCI users are in the All User group, and can be assigned to special groups in order to control access to certain contexts.
CAMIO Users - This category involves Administrators and Artists.
- Administrators can log in to the Admin Tools UI and have complete control of all CAMIO configuration. Administrators are CAMIO users that have been assigned to the Admin group. There is a default administrator login: admin password: admin that ships with every CAMIO. It is possible to change the admin password, and to create new admin users.
Create a CAMIO administrator
In order to create a new CAMIO Admin User:
- Select “CAMIO User” in the “Type” drop-down box.
- Enter and verify a user password.
- Select “Admins” from the Member of Group drop-down, add it to the user and click “Save.”
Create a CAMIO artist user
Artists can log into Asset Manager and create assets, metadata, folder structure and replication in a multi-CAMIO network environment. Admins also have Artist privilege.
To create a new CAMIO Artist User:
- Select “CAMIO User” in the “Type” drop-down box.
- Enter and verify a user password.
- Select “Artist” from the Member of Group drop-down, add it to the user and click “Save.”
Important: Passwords are entered by an admin user and there is no mechanism in CAMIO to recover lost passwords. Lost passwords can be changed only by an admin user. If the password is lost for the only admin user, then please contact Chyron Support for help to reset the admin user password. |
Note: Regarding HubDrive user permissions, CAMIO administrators automatically get Administrator privilege in the HubDrive system. CAMIO Artists automatically get Artist privilege in HubDrive. All other CAMIO users have read-only privilege in HubDrive. See the Hub Drive CAMIO Setup Manual for more information. |
The User Management window displays previously created Users and their parameters:
- Name – The unique name given to the User.
- Description – A description about the User.
- User Type – Specifies whether the user will access LUCI (as a Producer) or CAMIO (as an Administrator or Artist).
- Change Password – If a password is enabled, then clicking Change Password will allow a CAMIO user to create a new password. LUCI Users do not have a password.
Create or modify a user
To edit an existing User,
- Double-click the name of the User.
- To delete a User, simply click the red X.
- NOTE: You can delete an Admin User only if you are logged on the Admin Tool with an Admin User other than the one that you would like to delete.
- To delete a User, simply click the red X.
To create a new user:
- Select the Create New User button. The abovewindow is displays:
- Specify the following information pertaining to the new User.
- Name – Input a unique name to assign to the User.
- Type – From the Type drop-down box, specify whether the User will be a CAMIO User or a LUCI user.
- Description – Input descriptive words or information about the User.
- Group Membership Management – Use the drop-down box to add the User to desired Groups.
- LUCI Configuration Settings Overview - There are two sets of configuration settings: one for legacy ActiveX LUCI, and one for the new HTML5 LUCI. There are more features in HTML5 LUCI. In each case, it is possible to show the tab, hide the feature or default to the LUCI User Default Configuration setting, which is described below. Note that all of these features can be enabled and disabled for individual users.
- Graphics Templates – Shows or hides the Graphics Templates browser.
- Completed Graphics – Shows or hides the Completed Graphics browser.
- Automation Templates – Shows or hides the Automation Templates browser.
- Studio Clips – Shows or hides the Clip Asset browser.
- Running Orders - Displays or hides the Running Order browser.
- AXIS Track in Asset Browser– Displays or hides the AXIS Track asset browser (requires that AXIS Interface is configured and that the user has an AXIS login).
- Compose Images – Shows or hides Image Compositor feature.
- Compose Movies - Shows or hides the LUCI Clipper feature.
- Order - Displays or Hides the AXIS Order window (requires that AXIS Interface is configured and that the user has an AXIS Order login).
- Time Code – Displays or hides the Time Code tool in the lower right corner for adjusting graphics in and out points in supported newsroom automation systems or for display in the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer.
- Slug - Displays or hides the slug text entry tool.
- Channel - Displays or hides the channel assignment tool.
- Delivery Feed - Displays or hides the AXIS delivery feed status.
- Enable Auto Preview - Enables or disables the Auto-Preview feature in LUCI.
- Publishing - This feature is not available as of CAMIO 4.6.
- Saved Items - Enables or disables the LUCI Saved Items feature from being displayed. This hides both the Saved Items tab and the Save Items button on the action toolbar.
Manage group members
Users can be added to groups for the purpose of controlling access to certain content.
- Admin group is reserved for administrators and requires a user of Type = CAMIO User which has a password. Admin group users have access to CAMIO Admin Tools and Asset Manager UIs.
- Artists group is reserved for the art department and requires a user of Type = CAMIO User which has a password. Artist group users have access to the CAMIO Asset Manager UI.
LUCI AutoFill
LUCI AutoFill enables quick update of template content with predetermined text and images. Data is formatted in a text file format and uploaded to the LUCI AutoFill Web Interface.
See Appendix A for more information |
- Upload New Data File – Allows the user to upload a new data file in the form of a text file format.
- Download Data File – Allows the user to download an already uploaded data file.
- Replicate to other CAMIOs - Select whether this Autofill Group should be replicated to other CAMIOs configured in the Replication Management section.
CAMIO employs a hardware license dongle that enables the operation of CAMIO and optional features.. The License tab displays the CAMIO License Management window.
The CAMIO License Management window displays the following license settings:
- Type: The type of licensing that is used for the current CAMIO system.
- Major Version: Major version of CAMIO that can be run under this license.
- Expiration: The expiration date of the current license.
- License Status: Displays whether or not the current license is enabled or disabled.
- Cluster: Enables running CAMIO in a cluster configuration.
- DR: Enables running CAMIO in a DR configuration.
- MOS Redirection: Enables the MOS Redirection feature.
- MOS Object Reskinning: Enables MOS Reskinning and PRIME Styles Reskinning feature.
- Replication: Enables the Replication feature.
- Media Engine: Enables the Media Engine feature.
- Social Media Publishing: This feature is not currently supported.
- Playout Channels: Licenses the maximum number of playout changes that can be enabled.
- LUCI Concurrent Seats: Licenses the maximum number of concurrent LUCI users.
Asset Categories
The Asset Category Management section allows you to create or modify different classifications under which assets are to be filed. This makes it easier to search or filter for assets depending on the application. Asset Types are used in Asset Manager and LUCI (HTML5 version).
Separate Asset Categories exist for Templates, Images and Videos.
Asset Categories are listed in the order in which they are displayed in the Asset Manager and LUCI UIs.
Edit asset categories
To change display order:
- Click the Up and Down Arrows.
To delete an Asset Category:
- Click the corresponding red “X” button.
- Asset Categories cannot be deleted once they have been assigned to an asset.
To create a new Asset Category:
- Click the Add New Asset Category Button.
- Enter the name of the new Asset Category in the text field, and then click the Save button to create the new Asset Type. The new Asset Category displays in the Asset Category Management table
Metadata Mapping Management
Metadata Mapping refers to rules for automatically creating CAMIO asset metadata when an asset is ingested. The CAMIO asset metadata is as follows: Title, Author, Description, Keywords, Subject, and Category. Metadata Mapping rules are assigned to ingest folders so that the metadata can be automatically generated when the asset is ingested.
- Create New - Title, Author, Description, Keywords, Subject metadata can be created using the following rules.
- File Attribute - File properties such as filename, extension, datestamp.
- Plain Text - Any free form text value.
- Sidecar XML - Metadata is extracted from information in the sidecar XML ingested with the asset. Sidecar XML is primarily used when assets are delivered by AXIS.
- XMP Metadata - In the case of images, metadata can be extracted from XMP embedded in the file. A reference XMP file is needed to predefine what XMP data is expected.
- XMP Upload - Upload dialog for uploading the XMP reference Image.
- XMP Reference Image - Displays filename of the XMP reference image once it has been uploaded.
- Categories - Category metadata is unique in that it has to use category values that already exist in CAMIO. A given Metadata Mapping Rule assigns one or more values of Category based on the Asset type using a multi-select drop-down
Media Engine
Media Engine Formats
This user interface creates, edits and deletes movie file formats. Note that some formats are not editable or delet-able, as you can tell by the greyed out delete icon.
(Create New Format ) Click the Create New Preset button to open the Set Up Render Engine Preset dialog.
- Png - Click the Preset name to open the edit dialog. Not all presets are editable.
Click the copy icon to copy an existing preset, edit it and save it as new.
Click the delete icon to delete an existing preset.
Click the Default radio button to select the default Render Media Preset.
Media Engine Presets
- Click the Create Render Media Destination button to open the Create Render Media Destination dialog to create a new destination from scratch.
- Lyric Render - Click the destination name to open the edit dialog.
- Click the copy icon to copy an existing destination, edit it and save as new.
- Click the delete icon to delete an existing destination.
- Click the Default radio button to select the default destination.
Replication is a powerful tool for distributing assets between multiple CAMIO Servers in a station group. Replication copies assets from one folder (or subfolders) on one CAMIO to a folder or subfolders on another CAMIO. This tool is often used in a station group to distribute assets from a hub art department out to other stations on the network.
Replication: CAMIO Server Management
The CAMIO Server Management tab allows the user to specify which CAMIO Servers are to be used in replication and test the connection to them.
In order to add a new CAMIO Server, click the Add CAMIO Server button. The following window is displayed.
- Display Name – Enter a name that will be used to refer to the server.
- Host Name – Enter the hostname or IP of the host that is to be connected to.
- Username & Password – Enter an administrative username and password that can be used to access the remote CAMIO server.
After inputting all the required information, click the Test Connection button to test the connection to the remote server. Once the connection is verified, click the OK button to add the new CAMIO Server.
In order to edit existing CAMIO servers, click the display name of the server located on the CAMIO Server management page.
Replication management
The Replication Management tab allows users to create replications between CAMIO Servers in a station group network. There are two types of replication; Asset Replication and LUCI Autofill Replication
- Asset Replication - copies all assets and their metadata from the Source CAMIO/Context/Path to the Destination CAMIO/Context/Path. Any change in the Source will be sent to the Destination. Replication never deletes assets from the destination folder, but may overwrite them with a new copy
- LUCI Autofill Replication - copies LUCI Autofill table from the Source CAMIO to the Destination CAMIO. Individual autofill groups can have replication enabled and disabled, as shown in the LUCI Autofill section.
Replication is configured using the CAMIO Admin Tools, not the Asset Manager. The destination CAMIO gets a list of assets to download from port 80 on the source CAMIO. On the Replication Management tab, a table is displayed that shows all previously created replications and their parameters.
- Details button shows the status of replication processes with a list of files in the queue.
- Resync button will replicate all content in the source folder to the destination folder “re-syncing” them.
Replications cannot be edited. In order to change a replication, it must be deleted and a new one created. The Replication Management page shows replications for which this CAMIO is a source and for which it is a destination. Note that replications can only be re-synced and deleted from the source CAMIO.
Create an asset replication
To create a new Asset Replication:
- Click the Create New Replication button.
- The above window is displayed.
- Source Context – Specify the context from which the files are to be replicated.
- Source Path – Specify the path in the context from which the files are to be replicated.
- Destination CAMIO – Select which CAMIO Server the replicated files are to be delivered to.
- Destination Context – Select the new context that the replicated files are to be delivered to.
- Destination Path – Select the path of the context in which the files are to be delivered to.
- Type – There is only one replication type: Replication
- Replication – Copies new or updated assets from the source folder to the destination folder. Replication never deletes assets from the destination folder, but may overwrite them with a new copy
Create a LUCI Autofill Replication
In order to create a new LUCI Autofill Replication, all that is needed is the name of the destination CAMIO.
PRIME Styles
CAMIO 4.9 supports PRIME Styles functionality. Requires compatible PRIME software and content employing the Styles feature.
This section defines a list of PRIME Styles per context which will be displayed in LUCI drop-down and embedded in the MOS Object for preview and playback. Style value assigned to a PRIME MOS Object can be displayed in mosAbstract and CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer (formerly iSQ) playlist using %y.
- Add Context Styles - select from a list of contexts in the drop-down to add Styles.
- Styles can be deleted by clicking the red X. Deleting a style from a context will not affect MOS objects previously created. copied from another context.
- Styles will be displayed in LUCI in the order they are placed in the list. Drag/drop the styles to rearrange the order.
- Copy from Context - Styles can be copied from an existing context to speed up context creation and reduce errors. Only contexts which have styles defined will be shown in the drop-down..
- Edit existing context styles - click the context name to open the edit dialog to make any changes to the context styles.
MOS Reskinning Management
CAMIO MOS Reskinning provides the ability to copy already prepared MOS objects from one Running Order, drop them into another Running Order and have the ‘look’ of the MOS objects automatically take on a different look, while retaining the replaceable data.
There are two types of reskinning processes available; Context Reskinning and Style Reskinning that work differently but give similar results. Context Reskinning works with Lyric and PRIME templates. Style based reskinning works with PRIME graphics only. The theory and operation of Context and Style Reskinning is described in a different document.
The CAMIO Administrator must define the reskinning rules as follows.
- Reskinning rules are assigned to a MOS rundown.
- A rundown must be MOS active for CAMIO to see the MOS Objects and replace them
- CAMIO will detect which items need to be reskinned and attempt to reskin them
- If possible, a new MOS Object will be created and a mos Item. Replace message will be sent to the newsroom system to replace the original item with the reskinned item.
- It is possible to create both Context and Style Reskinning rules but not in the same Running Order.
Context Reskinning
Context Reskinning requires that you have at least two contexts with matching templates, ie., they have the same filename and same names for replaceable text, image and movie fields.
Select preferred Contexts for a given rundown. Rundown must be MOS active to show up in the drop-down.
Copying a story from another rundown will trigger the reskinning operation.
Any MOS object that is not from the preferred context will be replaced by CAMIO if a matching template exists.
The rundown needs to be MOS active to make the reskinning happen.
Style Reskinning
Style Reskinning only works with PRIME scenes that have two or more style values built in.
Select preferred Style per Context for a given rundown.
Copying a story from another rundown will trigger the reskinning operation.
Any MOS object in the given context that is not in the preferred style will be replaced by CAMIO.
It is possible to create multiple style reskinning rules in the same rundown, one per context.
Note: Cannot apply Context Reskinning and Style Reskinning to the same rundown. Like with Context Reskinning, the rundown needs to be MOS active to make the reskinning happen. |
PRIME Styles
Create a list of Style names and bind them to a context. These style names will then be visible in the LUCI Style selector drop-down when a PRIME template of the given context is being edited. The PRIME Scene must be designed to use the style value or it will be ignored.
Styles shown in the LUCI drop-down for Context = PRIME.