CAMIO Configuration
Selecting CAMIO Configuration exposes the options shown below:
- Asset Manager Max Items to Display – Specifies the maximum number of items to be displayed per page (defaults to 20).
- CAMIO IP Address – Specifies the IP Address of the CAMIO system.
- Render MOS Object Thumbnails with Preview Only Images - Graphics templates used by CAMIO often have preview only images built in. These images are displayed in the preview but will not play to air. The option selects whether the Preview Only images are rendered into the LUCI and CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer thumbnails.
- Default Frame for Video Asset Thumbnail - Choose between First Frame, Last Frame or User Defined to specify which frame should be used for the video asset thumbnail. This value can be overridden on an asset by asset basis.
- Generated Proxy Format - Proxy files are generated for preview in Asset Manager and LUCI. LUCI4 requires WMV format, LUCI5 requires WEBM format. If unsure, then select both.
- Hide Deficient Assets in Asset Manager - Deficient assets are images and movies which were ordered from AXIS services (usually Order) and not yet been delivered. They are displayed as a deficient asset icon. These can clutter the Asset Manager display and checking this box will hide them in Asset Manager.
- Virtual Channels – Display the current Virtual Channels and control which channel is displayed by template type.
- Click the corresponding red “X” to delete a virtual channel.
- To add a new Virtual Channel, enter the desired name of the virtual channel into the text field and then click Add Virtual Channel.
- Template Channel Mappings - Checkbox grid selects which Virtual Channels are visible in LUCI and Asset Manager when using a given template type.
- In this example, Lyric templates will only display channels *, A, B and C as options.
- PRIME Clip Templates will only display CLIPS1, CLIPS2, CLIPS3 and CLIPS4.
- PRIME Graphics Templates will only display CG1, CG2, CG3 and CG4.
- If there are no checkboxes checked for a particular template type, then all Virtual Ch. will be displayed. In this example, a LyricX template will display all 12 channel options.
- Layers - applies to PRIME scenes only. Layer values must be positive and negative integers. Higher value layers display over lower value layers on the same output channel.
- Add Layer - Enter an integer value in the text box and click Add Layer button to create a new layer.
LUCI Configuration
Selecting LUCI Client Configuration exposes the options shown below.
General settings
- iNews Insert, Save, Start and Switch Scripts - The first four settings shown are for iNews only and will not be displayed if other newsroom systems are selected.
- Max Asset Displayed – Specifies the maximum number of assets displayed visible per page in LUCI.
- Message Details – Format of the Message Details shown in LUCI. Asset formatting identifiers are shown in the table below.
- Image Details – Format of the Image Details shown in LUCI.
- Video Details – Format of the Video Details shown in LUCI.
- PowerClips Details – Format of the PowerClips Details shown in LUCI.
- AXIS Details – Format of the AXIS Details shown in LUCI.
- Running Order Details – Format of the Running Order Details shown in LUCI.
- Enable Automation Transitions - used in special circumstances. This option displays a drop-down list of automation transitions to be selected by the LUCI user. The automation transition becomes metadata saved to the MOS Object and read by some news automation systems to enable special features. The text in the drop-down list is defined in the Automation Transition Configuration section below.
- Disable Replaceable Hashes - used in special circumstances as directed by Chyron support. This option disables the use of hashes to uniquely identify replaceable assets. This may be necessary when very large movie files are used as replaceable assets.
- Automation Timecode Frame Rate - Configures the frame rate used by the In and Duration time code tools in LUCI. When set to 30 fps, the frame count will only roll up to 29 then add one to the second count. Selectable values are 25, 30, 50 and 60 fps.
- LUCI Saved State Expiration - LUCI feature. There is a clean up script to delete old Saved States that have expired. This setting changes the expiration days since the last time a given user saved a state on a given workstation (IP Address).
- Disable XMP Link Protection - default to False.
- When set to False the following happens:
- The chain-link button in LUCI will be enabled
- The Data-bound fields will not be editable when the chain-link symbol is linked
- The Data-bound fields will be editable when the chain-link symbol is unlinked
- When set to True the following happens:
- The chain-link button in LUCI will be disabled, but still shown for Data-bound fields
- The Data-bound fields will be editable always
- Compositor Output Resolution - default to 1920x1080. To set the generated images’ output resolution to 1920x1080 or 1280x720.
- When set to False the following happens:
- Fast Drag and Drop - default to False. To display the Drag and Drop option immediately in LUCI when creating a new graphic.
- Warning: This option may ask for extra resources to the MOS Management service as constantly updating the graphic’s related MOS object values.
MOS configuration
Selecting MOS Configuration exposes the options shown below. These settings affect MOS communication with the newsroom computer system.
On the MOS Configuration page, the following settings are displayed. Note that these settings may be case sensitive so it is recommended to always use capitals.
- MOS Server Type – Select the Newsroom Computer System type (ENPS, Dalet, iNEWS, etc.), from the Server Type drop-down box.
- MOS Version - Select MOS Protocol version 2.6 or 2.8.5. Contact Chyron support.
- MOS ID – Enter the MOS ID of the CAMIO server to be used in MOS protocol communication with the newsroom computer system .
- NSC ID - Enter the NCS ID of the Newsroom Computer System used in MOS protocol communication.
- NCS Server Name – Enter the Hostname or IP Address of the NCS Server, or the iNews Gateway in the case of an iNews system.
- Backup NCS Server – Enter the Hostname of the IP Address of the backup NCS Server, if applicable.
- Heartbeat Interval - Enter the desired heartbeat interval in seconds. Should normally be set to 0 which disables heartbeats. Contact Chyron support for more information.
- MOS Abstract – Specifies the format for the MOS Abstract as shown in the newsroom computer system. Formatting commands for MOS Abstract and Object Slug are shown in Appendix.
- Slug – Specifies the format for the Object Slug defined in the MOS Object metadata.
- Force Edit New – If set to true, a new MOS Object ID will always be created when an existing MOS Object is edited. If set to false, then when a MOS Object is edited in LUCI and saved, the user is prompted with the option of saving the object under the original MOS ID, or creating a new one.
- roChannel Override – Not in use at this time.
- Socket Persistence – Specifies if the socket connection initiated by CAMIO with the NCS server is kept active. Selecting True maintains the socket connection.
- MOS Object Lifetime – MOS Objects are stored in cache for x number of days after the last them they were used in a rundown. The object is then deleted from cache. The default value is 90 days.
- Listening MOS Lower Port - This is the port CAMIO opens to receive ro messages from the NCS. It defaults to 10540 and should not be changed without a specific reason. Some MOS installations use non-standard ports.
- Listening MOS Upper Port - This is the port CAMIO opens to receive MOS object messages from the NCS. It defaults to 10541 and should not be changed without a specific reason. Some MOS installations use non-standard ports.
- Sending MOS Lower Port - This is the port CAMIO connects to on the NCS to send ro messages. It defaults to 10540 and should not be changed without a specific reason. Some MOS installations use non-standard ports.
- Sending MOS Upper Port - This is the port CAMIO connects to on the NCS to send MOS object messages. It defaults to 10541 and should not be changed without a specific reason. Some MOS installations use non-standard ports.
Settings for ENPS 8 or 9
Note: The ENPS side of the configuration should be handled by AP or the customer
On ENPS side
- Open the ENPS System Maintenance application.
- To to MOS Configuration.
- Add a new row and enter the following settings:
- Address: CAMIO MOS ID
- Description: a user friendly name that will displayed to users, e.g. ‘CAMIO’
- IP: CAMIO server or DR/Cluster virtual IP
- ActiveX: ‘Chymox.AssetBrowser.1’ (ActiveX) or ‘ENPSHTMLHost’ (HTML5)
- Program: ‘ENPSMOS’
- Default Settings: nothing (ActiveX) or ‘URL=http(s)://<CAMIO IP>/luci/’ (HTML5)
- MOS Version: ‘2.8.4’
- Local DragDrop: ‘Off’
- All other settings can be left as default.
Image Description: CAMIO MOS Settings in ENPS System Maintenance
On CAMIO side
- Open the CAMIO Admin page
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: ENPS
- MOS Version: 2.8.5
- NCS ID: ENPS Server Hostname
- NCS Server Name: ENPS Server hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: ENPS Backup Server hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default.
Image Description: ENPS MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
Settings for iNews
Note: the iNews side of the configuration should be handled by Avid or the customer
On iNews side
- MOS Gateway
- In C:\Program Files (x86)\Avid\iNEWS MOS Gateway edit the mosconfig.xml file to add a new <mosDevice> with its children elements under <listDevices>.
- The <mosDevice> is as follow, with the mandatory values to update in red and optional in black:
<!-- The names element contains the mapping of the MOS's mosID value to -->
<!-- an NRCS device name, as well as the network name of the MOS. -->
<mos>CAMIO MOS ID</mos>
<amcp>INEWS ALIAS</amcp>
<network>CAMIO HOSTNAME OR IP</network>
<!-- Running order channel maps -->
<!-- Maps a NRCS Running Order Name to a more readable MOS roSlug. -->
<!-- A NRCS Running Order Name is the NRCS server name plus the -->
<!-- running order's complete queue path. If a mapping doesn't exist -->
<!-- then the NRCS Running Order Name is used for the MOS roSlug. -->
<!-- The handlesEmptyStories element specifies whether this device accepts -->
<!-- a roStoryInsert message that contains no item. -->
<!-- The handlesRoStoryMoveMultiple element specifies whether this device supports -->
<!-- the roStoryMoveMultiple message. The router defaults to YES. -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<!-- The handlesRoItemLevelCommands element specifies whether this device supports -->
<!-- roItemInsert, roItemDelete and roItemReplace. The router defaults to YES. -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<handlesRoItemLevelCommands>NO</handlesRoItemLevelCommands> SET YES FOR MOS 2.8
<!-- If YES then the stories page number from NRCS is prepended to the story -->
<!-- The character seperator used between the page number and the story slug.-->
<!-- The character string which is used in place of an empty page number.-->
<!-- When set to NO, all MOS items in the rundown will be contained within -->
<!-- the roCreate message. When set to YES, a blank roCreate message is sent -->
<!-- and all MOS items in the rundown will be added using roStoryInsert -->
<!-- messages. The recommended setting is NO unless it is absolutely required. -->
<!-- The statusTranslations element defines the status strings that correspond -->
<!-- to the various NRCS status codes. This allows the MOS Gateway to translate -->
<!-- the roItemStatus messages received from a MOS into status codes that NRCS -->
<!-- can recognize and display. -->
<!-- Should we ignore the item status in roAck messages? -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO, default is NO -->
<!-- Does this device expect the MOS 2.8 version of roListAll -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO, default is NO -->
<handlesRoListAll28>NO</handlesRoListAll28> SET YES FOR MOS 2.8
<!-- Does this device handle roStorySend messages? -->
<!-- The handlesRoStorySend element specifies whether this device supports -->
<!-- sending storys via roStorySend. The router defaults to NO. -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<!-- The handlesRoStorySendNSMLX element specifies whether this device supports -->
<!-- sending the NSMLX via the roStorySend mosExternalMetadata payload. The router defaults to NO. -->
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<!-- The retry timeout in seconds for this device. -->
<!-- Set to 0 if you do not want to have retries -->
<!-- Valid values: 0 - 214748647 -->
<!-- Default is 0 -->
<statusUnavailable>NOT READY</statusUnavailable>
<replicationTime>12:31:15 PM</replicationTime>
<!-- Valid settings are YES or NO -->
Image Description: HTML view of the mosconfig.xml
iNews server
Host Table (/etc/hosts): enter the IP/Hostname for the CAMIO and the iNews MOS Gateway servers iNews Client with Administrator privileges.
- SYSTEM.MOS-MAP – sets the MOS ID and AMCP ID
- TABLE-START DeviceTable
SYSTEM.MAP - sets the Gateway and iNews Alias per Rundown.
show.<QUEUE>.rundown <event dir> <composite> <group> <off time>
mossvr <INEWS MOS GATEWAY HOSTNAME> <backup server> <CAWS form>
mos <CAMIO INEWS ALIAS> <devices for redirection>
<event dir> (optional): Event list directory. See iNews documentation for details.
<composite> (optional): Composite list queue. See iNews documentation for details.
<group> (optional): to set Security groups. See iNews documentation for details.
<off time> (optional): the time the show’s monitor server turns itself off.
See iNews documentation for details.
<backup Server> (optional): for secondary MOS Gateways
<CAWS form> (optional): for ControlAir workstations, not used here
<devices for redirection> (optional): for MOS Redirection use
Example of minimal working configuration: - - -
mossvr MOSGW - -
mosCG40 -
Using the iNews HTML5 plugin with LUCI
HTML5 Plugin is available since iNews 8 and can be used in replacement of the LUCI Container. It is configured using a story in the queue SYSTEM.HTML-PLUGINS within an iNews Client with admin privileges, with the following content as parameters:
URL = http(s)://<CAMIO IP>/luci
Note: As ActiveX takes precedence over HTML5 for the same ProgID, it is necessary to uninstall the LUCI Container application if present on the workstations running iNews Client. |
On CAMIO side (up to iNews 8)
- Open the CAMIO Admin page.
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: INEWS
- MOS Version: 2.6 or 2.8.5 (see MOS Gateway configuration)
- NCS ID: iNews Server Hostname without -a or -b
- NCS Server Name: iNews MOS Gateway hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: iNews Backup MOS Gateway hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default
Image Description: iNews MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
On CAMIO side (iNews 9)
- Open the CAMIO Admin page.
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: INEWS 9X
- MOS Version: 2.6 or 2.8.5 (see MOS Gateway configuration)
- NCS ID: iNews Server Hostname without -a or -b
- NCS Server Name: iNews MOS Gateway hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: iNews Backup MOS Gateway hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default
Settings for iNews with command automation
Note: The iNews side of the configuration should be handled by Avid or the customer
If Avid Command is used for the Playout Automation of Prime, most likely the iNews MOS Gateway would not be needed as iNews would directly transmit the Rundown to Command with its own protocol, while CAMIO will push to Prime every created MOS Object, thus ready to be played.
On iNews side
iNews Client with Administrator privileges
- SYSTEM.MOS-MAP – sets the MOS ID and AMCP ID
- TABLE-START DeviceTable
- Example:
- TABLE-START DeviceTable
- Example:
- SYSTEM.MAP - sets the Gateway and iNews Alias per Rundown.
show.<QUEUE>.rundown <event dir> <composite> <group> <off time>
mossvr <INEWS MOS GATEWAY HOSTNAME> <backup server> <CAWS form>
mos <CAMIO INEWS ALIAS> <devices for redirection>
<devices for redirection> (optional): for MOS Redirection use
show.<QUEUE>.rundown <event dir> <composite> <group> <off time>
wnasvr <COMMAND HOSTNAME> <backup server> <CAWS form>
cg <CAMIO INEWS ALIAS> <alias name> <default channel> <style> <validate
style YES/NO>
- <event dir> (optional): Event list directory. See iNews documentation for details.
- <composite> (optional): Composite list queue. See iNews documentation for details.
- <group> (optional): to set Security groups. See iNews documentation for details.
- <off time> (optional): the time the show’s monitor server turns itself off. See iNews documentation for details.
- <backup Server> (optional): for secondary MOS Gateways
- <CAWS form> (optional): for ControlAir workstations, not used here
- <alias name> (optional): not used
- <default channel> (mandatory): to specify the default channel assigned if the production cue does not have one explicitly defined.
- <style> (optional): Style used on the playout device
- <validate style YES/NO> (optional): when set to NO, the monitor server in iNEWS will not validate style names before sending CG data to Command. This allows the loading of CG items to the Command playlist before they exist in Command’s inventory. If left blank, the default, which is YES, is used.
Example of minimal working configuration: - - -
wnasvr CMD01 - -
cg CG40 - A NEWS NO
On CAMIO side
- Open the CAMIO Admin page.
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: INEWS Command
- MOS Version: 2.6 or 2.8.5 (see MOS Gateway configuration)
- NCS ID: iNews Server Hostname without -a or -b
- NCS Server Name: iNews MOS Gateway hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: iNews Backup MOS Gateway hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default.
Image Description: iNews MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
Settings for OpenMedia 4 and 5
Note: The OpenMedia side of the configuration should be handled by CGI or the customer
On OpenMedia side
- Open the OMIS.msc
- Go to OMIS Service Instances and stop the service running CAMIO Plugin.
- In OMIS Plugin Types, select the Chyron Plugin, right-click on its sub element and select Properties.
- OpenMedia OMIS Application
- Enter the following settings:
- General > Plug-in Name: “CAMIO”
- MOS Device > MOSRevision: 2.84
- MOS Device > Hostname: CAMIO Server Hostname or IP
Extra settings might need to be added/modified depending on the customer’s environment, to be done with a representative from OpenMedia.
Note: when loading a Rundown for Playout, the graphic items’ MosExternalMetadata should be transmitted and with a particular XML structure that can be parsed by Camio. |
Enable metadata export
To enable the export of the MosExternalMetadata data:
- Set the OMIS plugin as shown:
- OMIS Settings for exporting MEM Item.
- The expected structure by CAMIO and ISQ with important element is as follows:
To achieve this, the following XSL can be used (and modified) if needed:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:cg="" xmlns:vbs="urn:schemas-sqlxml-org:vbs" xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" xmlns:user="" version="2.0">
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates select="OM_RECORD/OM_OBJECT/OM_HEADER/OM_FIELD/OM_STRING/mosPayload/node()"/>
<xsl:template match="mosPayload/node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
<xsl:template match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
To be saved as a .xsl file and added into the OMIS plugin here:
- XSL Transformation for MEM Item
- Under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ExternalTools\ChyronWrapper should be located the HTML pages for loading LUCI within the OpenMedia client.
- They contain the following variable declarations that need to be modified:
- var DEVICE_URL = "http(s)://<CAMIO Hostname or IP>/luci";
- var NCS_ID = "OpenMedia NCS ID";
- var MOS_ID = "CAMIO MOS ID";
Image Description: HTML plugins in OpenMedia Client
On CAMIO side
- Open the CAMIO Admin page,
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: OpenMedia
- MOS Version: 2.8.5
- NCS ID: OpenMedia NCS ID
- NCS Server Name: OpenMedia Server hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: OpenMedia Backup Server hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default
Image Description: OpenMedia MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
Settings for Dalet Galaxy
Note: The Dalet side of the configuration should be handled by Dalet or the customer
On Dalet Galaxy side
- Open the Dalet Admin tool.
- Under Mos Admin > Mos Devices there should be a device of type ‘Chyron CAMIO HEGO’ with at minimum the following settings:
- Host: CAMIO hostname
- Low Port: 10540 (unless specific configuration)
- High Port: 10541 (unless specific configuration)
CAMIO MOS device in Dalet admin
In Title Management > Title Types > Extended Title Type there should be a ‘Chyron CAMIO HEGO’ title type with the following settings:
- MediaType: CG
- Reuse action in stories and rundowns: LINK
- Editor: MosActiveX
- Title can be created: Yes
- Title Type Icon: if needed, add Chyron logo there
Image Description: Title Types in Dalet Admin
Still in Title Types under Story & Story Templates:
- Select the Story Types where Chyron graphics should be used
- Add the corresponding Chyron CAMIO HEGO Title Type in Embedded Title Types.
Image Description: Embedded Title Types in Dalet Admin
- In Scheduling > Studio, select the Studio where Chyron graphics will be used, select the External Devices tab and add the corresponding CAMIO MOS Device.
Image Description: External Devices in Dalet Admin
In Site Configuration > Inventory > Application Servers, double-click on the MosServer application and check the following minimum settings:
- ncsID: Dalet NCS ID that will be set in CAMIO MOS settings
- Dalet operates as: Newsroom Control System
- Low port: 10540 (unless specific configuration)
- High port: 10541 (unless specific configuration)
- MOS Devices: CAMIO MOS Devices selected
Image Description: MosServer in Dalet Admin
On CAMIO side
- Open the CAMIO Admin page.
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: Dalet
- MOS Version: 2.6
- NCS ID: Dalet NCS ID
- NCS Server Name: Dalet Server hostname or IP where the MosServer is located
- Backup NCS Server: any secondary Dalet MosServer hostname or IP
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default.
Image Description: Dalet MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
Settings for 7Mountains Dina
Note: The Dina side of the configuration should be handled by 7Mountains or the customer
On the Dina side
The LUCI plugin integration is managed by Dina representatives. It should be set as HTTPS.
The 7M MOS Gateway acts as a middleware between Dina and CAMIO, to be installed on a server within the same subnet of the CAMIO system, preferably on a separate machine. More information about the 7M MOS Gateway here.
"mos": {
"ncsID": "DINA NCS ID",
"lowerPort": 10540,
"heartbeatInterval": 60,
"messageIdFilename": "./",
"media": {
"secondaryGraphics": "replace",
"useProviderMosObject": false
"storyContent": {
"roElementAction": true,
"roStorySend": false
"sendMessageDelay": 50,
"brackets": {
"ignoreText": "[]",
"explanatoryText": "()",
"presenterInstruction": "{}",
"packageText": "<>",
"defaultText": ""
"prompter": {
"templateText": "#name"
"clients": [
"ipAddress": "CAMIO IP",
"lowerPort": 10540,
"mosId": "CAMIO MOS ID",
"autoConnect": true,
"reconnectInterval": 10,
"allowedMosObjects": [“CAMIO MOS ID”],
"timeFormat": "utc",
"decimalMarker": ".",
"storyContent": {
"roElementAction": true,
"roStorySend": false
On CAMIO side
- Open the CAMIO Admin page.
- Go to Configuration > MOS Configuration
- Enter the following minimum settings:
- MOS Server Type: Dina
- MOS Version: 2.8.5
- NCS Server Name: 7M MOS Gateway Server hostname or IP
- Backup NCS Server: 7M MOS Gateway Backup Server hostname or IP if applicable
- MOS Abstract (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m %s(%t)’
- Slug (advised but not mandatory value): ‘%m - %s(%t) %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9’
- All other settings can be left as default
Dina MOS Settings in CAMIO Admin
Playlist Configuration
Selecting Playlist Configuration exposes the options shown below. These settings affect the display of playlist data in the legacy Lyric playlist and some effect on what gets sent to ISQ. The four Blank Fields at the end of the list can be used in configuring the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer display. See the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer manual for more information
On the Playlist Configuration page, the following settings are displayed:
- Control: Specifies the default Playlist Control. The Control determines the trigger that sends the message to Air.
- Parameter: Specifies the default Playlist Parameter for the specified Control. For example, if a delay is specified, the Parameter value could be 00:00:00:15, indicating that there should be a half-second delay before the message plays to Air. Not all Controls have an accompanying Parameter.
- Effect: Specifies the default effect to be applied to the messages in the Playlist when they play to Air. This is a legacy feature no longer supported.
- File Name: This is a read-only field that can be displayed in the Playlist. It identifies the file name and file path of the message.
- Additional Fields: the four blank fields can be used to display a rich selection of additional information in both the Lyric playlist and the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer. The information that can be displayed follows the metadata formatting rules shown in the Table below. Commonly used fields are:
Slug field is most commonly used and maps to the Description field in the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer.
Page is used to display the story slug or page number in Lyric Playlist and in some versions of the CAMIO Rundown Endpoint and Viewer.
In all instances, the Width column specifies the width, in pixels, of the column on the Lyric Playlist displaying the specified information. The State column specifies whether the column will be shown or hidden.
HubDrive configuration
HubDrive installation, configuration and operation is covered in a separate manual “Hub Drive CAMIO Setup Manual”.
Media Engine configuration
Enter the IP address of the Media Engine host which is the CAMIO server itself. So the IP address of the CAMIO server should be entered.
The Output Folder is a temporary folder for the Save to LUCI feature in the Render Media workflow. It should be defined on the i drive of the CAMIO Server. If this folder is not on the CAMIO server itself it must be entered as a network share file path (such as //, and the folder must be shared to CAMIO.
LUCI user defaults configuration
This section allows users to specify the default configuration used in the LUCI User Settings shown above. Selecting LUCI User Defaults Configuration exposes the options shown below.
- Graphics Templates - Display or hide the Graphics Templates selection under the Browse Templates Tab.
- Completed Graphics - Display or hide the Complete Graphics selection under the Browse Templates Tab.
- Automation Templates - Display or hide the Automation selection under the Browse Templates Tab.
- Studio Clips - Display or hide Studio Clips selection under the Browse Templates Tab.
- Running Orders - Display or hide the Running Order drop-down box and the ability to view Running Orders.
- AXIS Track in Asset Browser - Display or hide AXIS Track assets in the Asset Browser. Applies to user with AXIS Track accounts only.
- Compose Images - Display or hide the Image Compositing tool.
- Compose Movies - Display or hide the Movie Compose tool. This feature is not yet available.
- Order – Display or hide AXIS Track assets in the Asset Browser. Applies to users with AXIS Order accounts only.
- Render Media - Display or hide the Render Media button in the right side panel.
- Timecode -Display or hide the timecode In, Duration and Out controls.
- Slug - Display or hide the Slug field for additional text entry to describe the MOS object graphics.
- Channel - Display or hide the virtual channels display and selection tool.
- Delivery Feed - Display or hide the delivery status of assets from the AXIS system. Applies to users with AXIS accounts only.
- Enable Auto Preview - Enables/disables the auto-preview feature where a preview is automatically generated in LUCI whenever there is a change to the
- Publishing - Display or hide the Publishing button in the right side panel. This feature is not yet available.
- Saved Items - Display or hide the Save Items feature. This includes the Save Item button on the right side panel and the Saved Items tab along the top row.
Global filters
- Global Filter Table – This table displays the Name, Context Name, Asset Types and Filter Description of previously created global filters.
- Create New Global Filter - opens a new window in order to determine the parameters of the desired filter.
- Name – Determine the name of the new global filter.
- Context – Use the drop-down menu to determine which Context is to be filtered.
- Asset Types – Check the type of Assets that are to be filtered.
- Filter Description – the left-hand drop-down box is used to determine the parameters of the filter (Author, Description, Keywords, Subject or Title). The middle drop-down box is used to determine whether the filter will Contain or Doesn’t Contain a string that is specified in the text box on the right.
- And/Or – Selecting And will instruct the filter to also include the following separate filter description along with the previous one. Selecting Or will instruct the filter to include the following separate filter if the previous one does not yield any results.
- From Date – Allows the user to specify a date where the filter is to begin searching.
- To Date – Allows the user to specify a date where the filter is to end searching.
- From Rolling Date – Allows the user to determine a continually updating date from which the filter is to search (Today, Last 2 Days, Last 4 Days, Last Week, Last Month, Last 6 Months, Last Year).
Job schedule configuration
Selecting Job Schedule Configuration exposes the options shown below. There are currently eight different jobs that may be run. The jobs can be run manually by pressing the Run Now button or they will run at a scheduled time.
Daily MOS object cleanup jobs
- One of the following three jobs is typically run daily to clean up old MOS Objects from CAMIO device cache and playout devices. These perform slightly different tasks. Only one of these three jobs should be run. Please contact Chyron support for assistance in selecting which cleanup job will be run.
- Device Cleanup deletes all MOS Objects and associated assets which are no longer being used by active rundowns from the playout folders of all playout devices. This prevents these folders from getting full over time, which can lead to performance issues.It also removed the MOS Objects from a list of active objects monitored by CAMIO, which reduces the load on CAMIO’s MOS Object management service. This cleanup job is most often recommended.
- CAMIO Cleanup removes unused MOS Objects from the list of active objects monitored by CAMIO. But, it does not delete the inactive MOS Objects and associated assets from the playout devices. This job is typically used when the newsroom system does not have a MOS Gateway or does not publish an active rundown. It is necessary in this case to manually delete old assets to keep the playout folder from getting too large.
- Device Synchronize does a further check for and deletes all files in the CAMIO4 directory of playout devices which are not needed by active MOS Objects. For instance, it will delete Lyric files which were placed there by a manual operator.
Mandatory cleanup jobs
These jobs must be run daily but the time of day can be configured as desired.
- Saved Items Cleanup - Removes Saved Items from the Saved Items folders after they have expired. For instance, if an item was added to Saved Items at 4PM on Tuesday with a 24 hour life, it will expire at 4PM on Wednesday and will be deleted the next time the script is run, i.e. 2AM Thursday. An item that is removed from Saved Items will not immediately be deleted from cache. That is up to the MOS Object Cleanup script, depending on how that is configured.
- LUCI Saved State Cleanup - Cleans up LUCI Saved States which have expired. The expiration defaults to 90 days and can be changed in Admin Tools > LUCI Client Configuration.
Other cleanup jobs
- Saved Items Cleanup - This script removes Saved Items from the Saved Items folders after they have expired. For instance, if an item was added to Saved Items at 4PM on Tuesday with a 24 hour life, it will expire at 4PM on Wednesday and will be deleted the next time the script is run, i.e. 2AM Thursday. An item that is removed from Saved Items will not immediately be deleted from cache. That is up to the MOS Object Cleanup script, depending on how that is configured. NOTE: The Saved Item Cleanup script is automatically added to Job Schedule to be run every day at midnight. The time of day can be changed but the script cannot be deleted.
- MOS Object Cleanup deletes all MOS Objects from the cache which have not been used for more than X number of days. X is specified in Admin Tools > MOS Configuration > MOS Object Lifetime and defaults to 90 days.
- Cache Rollover - This job is for clients who wish to regularly delete all existing MOS Objects are restart the MOS ID numbering from scratch. If this is run, all existing MOS Objects in older stories and rundowns will be lost.
- Asset Cleanup deletes Assets in a specific Context and subfolders or subfolder that are older than X days.
Create a new scheduled job
- Selecting Create New Scheduled Job will open a new window that will allow the user to create/schedule a new job.
- Two Job Types, Saved Items Cleanup and LUCI Saved State Cleanup are created by default and cannot be created or deleted through this dialog.
- Name – Enter the desired name for the job in the text box.
- Job Type – Specify the action that is to be performed (Device Cleanup, Device Synchronize or MOS Object Cleanup, CAMIO Cleanup, Cache Rollover, Asset Cleanup ).
- Days of the Week – Check the corresponding boxes in order to determine which days of the week the job is to be performed.
- Time of Day – Specify the time (24 hour clock) on which the job is to be performed.
- Run as soon as possible after scheduled start is missed
- When checked, the job will run if the scheduled run time has passed that day. That could occur if the CAMIO was off during the scheduled run time, or if the job was newly created or enabled.
- When not checked, the job will not run if the scheduled run time was missed that day.
- This checkbox is checked by default when upgrading CAMIO or creating new jobs. This matches the operation of previous versions of CAMIO.
Two additional settings apply only to the Cache Rollover job.
- Context - Each cache rollover job is applied only on one Context, which needs to be defined. It is possible to create multiple Cache Rollover jobs if you wish to roll over more than one context.
- Starting MOS ID specifies the numeric ID (i.e. 10000) to which CAMIO resets the counter for that context.
Several CAMIO features are integrated tightly with the AXIS World Graphics hosted web services. This requires setting up the following configuration dialog. Contact Chyron support for assistance.
Automation transition configuration
This feature is used in special circumstances and does not apply to most installations. Automation Commands are text strings entered into a list using the Add New Transition button. These commands are sent to the news automation system as metadata in the MOS Object.