Paint supports importing clips from EVS XT machines and video files in most common video formats. Paint is also capable of exporting recorded or previously imported clip back to LSM or to a video file.
- In the skin, open a context menu on the clip button, where the imported clip should be located.
- Choose Import Clips..
- Import dialog appears.
- Source: Choose source of clips (File, EVS, etc.)
- Match Video Format checkbox enables checking whether video format of clip and current Paint video format are same.
- When enabled, Paint refuses to import incompatible clips.
- When disabled, imported video is resampled to match current video resolution when possible.
To import a clip in the "default" skin,
- Open Clips Administration and press the "Import" button.
- This opens an import dialog. The clip will be imported to a new clip.
Import button will start the import process. Clip will be placed to available slots starting with the one chosen for the import.
Import dialog is closed and the progress of the import is indicated by a progress bar over the clip.
You can cue another import, it will start when the current process is finished.
Clip name will be automatically set to the imported clip ID.
Cancel the current import via the popup menu on the clip button or from the Tools menu.
- Import/Export from/to EVS XT is a licensed feature.
- In the Source selector choose one of the predefined EVS servers or browse the EVS network
- Write the clip ID to the import dialog. This is a LSM-ID known by EVS operator. For example 123A.
- Do not specify machine name nor playlist.
- In the Source selector, choose File
- Browse to the file in the File chooser.
- When the Import source and Clip id are set, press the Import button (or press enter) to start the import.
- Import dialog is closed and the progress of the import is indicated on the clip button.
- You can cue another import, it will start when the current process is finished.
- Clip name will be automatically set to the imported clip ID.
- Cancel the current import via the popup menu on the clip button or from the Tools menu.
File clip import
Clips previously exported from Paint might contain:
- Chroma key settings
- User pause points (see Pause tool)
Non-flattened clips might also contain:
- Timeline (see Playback speed timeline)
- Tool drawings
Clips imported from Virtual Placement 7 might contain
- Chroma key settings
- Linked keyframe animations
- Tracab data (see Binding to Tracab player path).
In the instance where the clip contains such data, they are also imported and used later during playback. Drawings, timeline and pause points are fully editable after import.
File clip export
You can export a clip to a standalone video file, which can be later played in any video player. Graphics saved in the clip are rendered into the exported clip.
Right click on the clip and choose the Export menu item is available in the Clip Administration dialog.
Clip ID
File name for the exported clip. The destination folder is added automatically if not specified. File extension is added automatically according to selected Profile. Both Destination folders and file extensions can be set in Config.
You can have several export profiles defined (with different parameters for the output codec). You can switch the the profile here. Not all profiles can be used with video format you currently use. If you try to export a clip with profile not compatible with the current video format, then the export fails. This usually shows the error “Operation not permitted”.
When checked, all tool drawings stored in the clip are rendered into the exported footage.
When unchecked, clean video footage is exported. The drawings are exported in the form of clip metadata and stored within the exported file. 3rd party video players ignore the metadata and play only clean video. When a non-flattened clip is imported into the Paint, the drawings become available and are fully editable.
The clip can contain pause points made by the Pause tool which are unpaused by pressing play during normal operation. This interaction during export is not possible, however you can set predefined length of the pause in the Config editor, Clip Import/Export tab.
When the destination format supports storing metadata (example: .mov), an exported clip can contain:
- Chroma key settings
- User pause points (see Pause tool)
Non-flattened clips also contain:
- Timeline (see Playback speed timeline)
- Tool drawings
This data is used again after the clip is imported back to Paint.
You can choose from several predefined codecs. Some codecs DnxHD or ProRes are not present until valid License is present.
NVIDIA H.264 encoder requires Kepler-based Nvidia GPU or newer.
Motion JPEG
This codec is used in the built-in disk recorder. When you select MJPEG export profile for unflattened export, video data is copied into the destination file without any recompression in full quality. Unflattened MJPEG clips are intended to be imported into Paint again later.
Interlaced clips might not be playable in the third-party video players until they have full MJPEG support. We recommend, for example, VLC media player for playback.
Export process
All user interaction and video output is disabled during export. You are informed of progress of the export and you can cancel the process.
Bulk file clip export
Bulk export allows you to export several clips into either a single file or individual files for each clip at once. The clips are exported in user-defined order (= order of selection).
To export clips in bulk first select the Bulk Export… option in any clips context menu. A dialog with all available clips grouped by banks will appear with all from the current bank preselected. You can alter the selection and order by clicking on the check boxes on the left of banks and clips.
In the next dialog you can choose the destination file (in case of export to on file) or folder (when exporting each clip separately - name is taken from the clip username) and export profile. See the Profile chapter in the section above for more information about export profiles.
You will be informed about the total and current clip export progress during exporting.
When exporting into one file, flattening of graphics is always turned on. Otherwise you can select whether or not to flatten the individual clips in the second stage dialog by Flatten check box.
Note: Exception being clips from Formation Tool where unflatten export is not supported. |
Smart Import and Smart Export
Smart import splitting
Imported clip can be automatically split into many representing individual instances defined in the metadata.
Currently supported formats:
- Sportscode (.xml)
- XOS (.xchange)
To use this you first need to specify the format of metadata in the Config Editor > Clip Import/Export.
After that, when the Split Clip option is checked in the import clip dialog, Paint will look for specified metadata and then split the given clip accordingly. When no metadata is found an error message appears and the clip continues to import normally (as one).
Split clips can be exported individually or in bulk, combined with any other normal and/or split clips in any selected order. Relevant metadata will be preserved, normal clips will appear as time gaps.
Any operations applied to individual clips resulting in timing changes (example: applying a slowmo or pause) will also be automatically applied during the export.
Smart export
Clips automatically split by metadata can be also easily exported simply switching to the Source clips view in the export clip dialog.
Here you can see only the automatically split clips grouped by individual imports.
Simply select a whole group, in our case MATCHTRACKER LONG THROWS, to export all relevant in the apparent order or pick individual clips in any order required.
Clip Publishing to Social Media
Clip Export to Social Media allows you to export clips to YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram either individually or all at once. It is an additionally licensed feature.
When exporting a clip, in the destination dropdown option, select Social Media. This will open the Publish to Social Media Dialogue box. It is only possible to export to an H.264 profile for Social Media.
You can select the checkbox for each Social Media platform you wish to publish to. Once you are logged in, you will remain logged in unless you log yourself out. Should you work on a shared computer, remember to log yourself out when you finish your session.
You can set the following parameters for the clip when you export it:
- Clip Name: This is the name that will appear on Social Media as its title.
- Description: This is the text description that will appear (usually below) the clip in Social Media platforms.
When you hit export, the clips will be exported to a local dmp folder and pushed to your platforms of choice. The export will be shown as a progress bar in the clip slot in the UI.
Note: Clip Publish to Social Media requires a license upgrade. |