The Live Assist Panels allow you to design web based user panels to control elements of the Unreal projects, such as Cameras, lights, objects positions, etc.
The Live Assist Panel web server needs to be launched manually using the dedicated desktop shortcut. Run it to start the web server. You should get the following output:
Open Chrome and type in the following URL to open the Panel web page: http://localhost/
Login default credentials are admin/adminLAP.
From the left menu select Panels and the press Add.
Give a name to the Panel and set its size.
Commands and Actions that are triggered when pressing that button are written as Functions in Lua scripting language within the Code tab at the top left.
Those Functions are then called by the Button from the Commands tab at the bottom right:
Lua Script Examples
Message to Unreal Output Logs
Code (Main):
function SetLua(Command)
set(‘ue4’, ‘lua_in’, Command);
window.SetLua = SetLua;
Command (onClick):
See the Lua API section for more info. |