Playlists are lists of items that can easily be played to air. Playlists can play scenes, images, and clips all from the same list. You can have many playlists open and playing simultaneously.
Configure Playlists
Use the “Playout Configuration” dialog to add playlists.
There are two modes for the Playlist selectable in each individual Playlist:
- Take List
- Sequence
Add items to the Take List
To add items to the Take List, drag and drop any item from its browser to the playlist.
- ID: The ID is the number that is used to play the item to air from the keyboard. If the scene, image or clip does not have a “Message ID” associated with it the playlist will assign the next available ID. Scene and Clip “Message ID’s” are assigned from the Scene property editor.
Pressing 555 and hitting the Enter key will load the NASCAR clip from the playlist.
Expanding the item by clicking on the Right error next to the ID will expand the item to show any Control Panel items for this Scene. From this view, you can trigger buttons or do text, image and clip overrides.
Image overrides will show the Image Browser:
Click on the link to show the Image Browser:
- Name: The name field identifies the name of the item. The item can be a clip, Image or scene.
- Layer: The layer a scene is played to air can be modified in this field:
The layer field is NOT accessible for clips.
Status: Shows the status for clips
Show the status for graphics: The status bar will show the duration of the effect In, then pause until the effect out is played:
Here two graphics are on air.
Now the second graphic, the live bug has been played off:
To set a new appearance for the playlist click the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner
Channel Assignment:
In Sequence mode, the Playlist will operator as a Sequencer. Items can have pauses and be run in a linear fashion sequentially.
You can add Graphic scenes, Images and clips to the sequencer. Each item can have a pause associated with it.
There is a Sequence Loop toolbar selection.
Playlist as a Still Store
Simply drag images from the browser into the playlist…