To keep the interface simple and intuitive graphical changes or certain advanced modifications are not possible in Chyron Weather.
This lesson introduces the link between Chyron Weather and Daviz and how this can streamline the editing workflow. You will learn how to work with copies of Subscenes (also known as Modified Subscenes) and make changes to original versions of Subscenes.
Prerequisites: Lessons 01, 03, 04, 05 |
Temporary Changes to Subscenes
In day to day work it is often necessary to make temporary changes to only the subscenes in the playlist you are currently working on. In this case a “Modified Subscene” can be created by editing in Daviz. To work with a modified Subscene, select a Content Collection, select a Subscene (Content Object) and then click the Edit button.
The Modified Subscene is save to a folder named _modified located in the root of the Subscenes folder in the DesignModel.
Image description: Edit a copy of the subscene in Daviz
Daviz will open loading a copy of that subscene and add date / time to the name:
Image description: Date and time added
When saving this subscene it will be placed in the DesignModel under subscenes/_modified:
Image description: Modified Subscene in the file system
This specific subscene will only be used in that content collection in this playlist. It is not possible to add this subscene in a different playlist. The only way to transfer a modified subscene is by saving the content collection in the library (see Lesson 5), or share the entire segment (see Lesson 3).
All modified objects are marked by blue color. A segment with one or more modified objects is marked with a small blue icon:
Image description: Blue pen icon marking a modification
The Playlist will now reference the modified Subscene containing any edit(s) made.
The modified subscene is also marked in blue in the content collection:
Image description: A modified subscene in a content collection
You can tell if the modified subscene has already been saved with the playlist. The name will be displayed in bold font type until saved.
To reset the changes you made, just click the reset icon next to the subscene. This will only reset the individual subscene.
Image description: Resetting an individual subscene
If you want to reset all modified objects in the current playlist, click on the Application button and choose Reset all Modified Objects.
Image description: Resetting all modified objects
Note the icon. This indicates a Modified Subscene.
Image description: Modified Subscene
Lesson 15.8 shows a modified Subscene. In this case, the land mass color has been edited.
The Modified Subscene will bear the original name of the Subscene with the current date and time appended to it prefixed by an @ character.
For example, world_map@20190424_1400.
Note that changes made using Modified Subscenes apply only to the Playlist containing it. The effect is not global. To do that, see Editing Original Subscenes.
See Lesson 9 for more on working with and resetting Modified Objects.
Editing Original Subscenes
To work with an original Subscene,
- Navigate to the Object Browser.
- Select the desired Subscene, right click it and choose Edit.
- The original copy of the Subscene will open in Daviz.
- Edit the Subscene as desired.
- Click Save and click Exit.
Image description: Editing an original copy of a Subscene
Caution: Editing the original copy of a Subscene will affect all Playlists referencing it! |
For quicker access to the to a given subscene you can also double-click the subscene in the content collection. The subscene will then be highlighted for your convenience in the content tab on the resource panel.
Image description: Double-Clicking a subscene reveals the file location
Lesson Activities
Quiz |
Questions |
Question 1: What does it mean, if the name of a subscene is blue and a white pen on blue ground is visible on thumbnail of a segment? A. It is a modified subscene, it is possible to reset it. B. It is an edited subscene, it is not possible to reset it. C. It is a modified subscene, it is not possible to reset it. Question 2: How can you modify a copy of a subscene? A. Choose to edit after right-click on subscene in Object browser. B. Click on the small pen (edit) besides the subscene name and a copy will open. C. Click on the small arrow (replace) besides the subscene name and a copy will open. Question 3: How can you reset modified subscenes? A. Under properties ‘reset all modified objects’ all modified subscenes will be reset at once. B. Click on the small arrow (reset) besides the subscene name C. Under Menu ‘reset all modified objects’ all modified subscenes will be reset at once.
Answers |
1. The correct answer is A. 2. The correct answer is B. 3. The correct answers are B & C. |
- Open or create a playlist containing at least one subscene
- Open a copy of this subscene and modify it using Daviz
- Reset the changes in Chyron Weather