Keywords | Type | Descriptions |
Scene | Scene | Represents the scene object that the script is apart of |
Parent | SceneObject | Represents the parent object to which the JavaScript object belongs |
This | JavaScript | Represents the actual JavaScript object itself |
Project | Project | Represents the project that the scene is apart of |
Channel | Channel | Represents the channel that the scene is loaded on |
Playout | Playout | Represents an object that can access all channels and clip players that are configured |
window | Window | Represents an object that can be used to invoke window functions (alert, confirm, prompt, MsgBox and InputBox). Note: Enable Window Functions must be checked in the advanced section of the script |
host | HostFunctions | Represents an object that can be used to invoke host functions within the script. Note: Enable Host Functions must be checked in the advanced section of the script |
xHost | ExtendedHostFunctions | Represents an object that can be used to invoke extended host functions within the script. Note: Enable Extended Host Functions must be checked in the advanced section of the script |
FindObject(stringname) | SceneObject | Returns the nearest object to the parent JavaScript that matches the name argument |