Adding and Configuring Power Clips Controllers
Show the power clips controllers
Power Clips are clips that are not part of individual scenes but clips that can play from the independent clip players created and configured in the “Playout Configuration”
When A clip player is added through the PRIME Playout Configuration, the player clip controller becomes accessible in the Runtime user interface menus.
Checking a clip player to view will show the Clip Player and its controls:
Selecting the drop-down caret in the upper right corner allows users to select to show/hide Playback controls.
Default Transition
Assign a default transition for clips that play from this controller.
Playing Power Clips
Clips played with this controller will play to their assigned channel and layer which is defined in the Controller setup not the clip itself.
Clips can be played back by automation under various protocols or manually by dragging clips from the current Projects clip folder or the common clip folder.
Edit the clip metadata
Clip files consist of two files:
- The actual media file such as
- The associated side car file that contains all the metadata associated with the clip. Information stored there includes settings like “Hold first Frame”, “Description”, Thumbnail etc.
Prime Clips do NOT use a backend database, instead it uses the Windows file system as its database and the Windows Search API for searching.
Clips are stored in your Projects “Clips” sub folder or in you Projects Common Clips folder:
To edit your clip right click on your clip to edit all the associated meta data for the selected clip:
This will bring up the standard clip dialog:
Insert all the meta data fields you require.
4-point looping is available using the clip timeline cursors.
Create a power clip
A Power Clip is the ability to add Graphics, Text and other scene elements to your clip.
Select a clip from your Clips database and select “Edit Power Clip”:
This will launch the Advanced Power Clip Editor allowing you to add more elements to the clip. As you can see a “Power Clip” is essentially a scene with the base clip at the heart of it:
In the following example we will add an image and some text to the clip. We will add an animation to animate the image and text on.
From the Timeline “Default” transition I will fade up the logo and animate the text to move on screen from screen bottom.
Save the clip.
When the clip is played the “Default” transition is played dissolving up the logo and animating the text to move into position from the bottom of the screen.
You may want to update the thumbnail associated with the clip. Select the top node from the scene tree. From the scenes property editor, you will see a “Thumbnail” section. Select “Update from Canvas”.
Power Clips will have an icon in the thumbnail in the browser. This clip is a Power Clips and has key as shown in the browser by the two icons in the lower right hand corner:
To Expose the Image and text to the Playlist or CAMIO/LUCI add the items to the Automation List:
Create a clip transitions
From the Designer File menu select “New Clip transition” to open up the Clip Transition Editor
Select Your “In” or “Out” transition from the Scene Group
The Timeline Editor allows you to keyframe your effects
Your transition can now be applied to a Clip using the “Edit Clip” menu
Select your clip transition from the “Transitions drop down menu.
Create a sub-clip
Right click on a clip and select the “Generate Sub-clip” menu item to bring up the clip editor
Set new In and Out points to generate the new sub clip
Search for clips
Primes Search functionality uses the Windows Desktop Search API used in Windows Explorer.
Note: PRIME does NOT support search capabilities for projects on mapped drives due to the Microsoft Search API
The Browser search box:
Searches can be saved and edited:
Edit/Save Searches
If you type into the Search Field Prime will search the following fields;
Name, File Path, Description and Keywords.
Now type in “Rain” results in: (any file that has “Rain” in the Name, File Path, Description or Keyword will show up as a result of the search)
Advanced searching
Click the magnifying glass icon to launch the advanced search dialog
The advanced search allows searching on all the fields associated with clips
For extended search and filtering capabilities use the extended windows search terms
Microsoft Generic Search Query
Microsoft Image Search terms:
Microsoft Video Search terms:
Examples of extended search terms:
- System.FileDescription
- System.Title
- System.Video.FrameWidth
- System.Video.FrameHeight
- System.Video.FrameRate
- System.Keywords
- Prime.HoldLastFrame
- System.Video.FrameWidth:>10
Archiving clips
Clip files consist of two files:
- The actual media file such as
- The associated side car file that contains all the metadata associated with the clip. Information stored there are settings like “Hold first Frame”, “Description”, Thumbnail etc.
- Right click on a clip:
- Set the destination for the archive.
- Add a prefix or suffix to the clip file.
- Move the Media file. This option moves the actual clip file otherwise just the associated metadata file is moved to the archive folder.