Ancillary Data
This resource provides the ability to change the routing of ancillary data on either horizontal (HANC) or vertical (VANC) intervals. This is commonly used for branding scenarios, when you have to squeeze back with 2 video sources and want to switch ancillary data (closed captioning) from source 1 to source 2.
Select the SDI Input.
Both the Horizontal and Vertical Ancillary data selections are keyframeable allowing you to dynamically switch the source of your ancillary data.
The Audio object has three modes to choose from, Audio File, Text file and Text.
Audio File
This will be a .wav file or any other supported audio file.
- None: Do nothing
- Play: Plays the associated audio file
- Stop: Stops playing the associated audio file
- Volume - Sets the volume level of any the associated audio file when played. The volume levels can be keyframed in the Timeline editor.
- Channels - Sets the output channel(s) the associated audio file will play out to.
Finished Event
Any subscribers to this event will get notified and triggered.
Text File
A .wav file will be created based on the text file. This is “Text to Speech”
Same holds true for “Text” mode.
Base Scene
Base Scenes are scenes that can be referenced by other scenes. Consider Base scenes as parts and pieces that can be added to normal PRIME scenes.
This is a very powerful feature of PRIME’s ability to reference scenes from within other scenes. The base scene allows for a basic building block. Example; Create a News Full Screen graphic as a base scene that all other Full Screen graphics will reference. The Base scene should contain all the graphical elements, transitions and logic that all Full Screen graphics will share. Link the base scene to all the other Standard” scenes. If you have 100 Full screen graphics, all 100 can reference the “Base Scene”. Changing anything in the base scene will reflect to all 100 scenes.
You can add as many Base Scenes to a normal scene. Base Scenes can be created using the “File-> New Base Scene” menu item. Base Scenes are no different than normal scenes except they are tagged as “Base Scenes” and can be included in normal scenes.
Additionally, the communication from the standard scene to the “Base Scene” is built into PRIME’s “Trigger List: The Standard scene can trigger Actions and Conditions to its “Base Scene” as seen in this Triggers list screen shot:
Broadcast Exchange Format (BXF) As Run Files
PRIME allows users to create “As Run BXF Files.”
To configure the BXF Global settings, select “BXF” from the PRIME main “Settings” menu:
- Enable BXF As Run Logging – Toggle the box on/off to enable/disable BXF As Run Logging
- Output Directory – Specify a system location to store the BXF As Run Logging files
- As Run Channel Properties: Name – Specify a name for the BXF As Run channel
- As Run Channel Properties: Description – Enter a short description for the BXF As Run channel
- As Run Device: Device Name – Specify a name for the BXF As Run Device
- As Run Default Length: Frame Margin – The default length settings allows a margin for error when the asset is played out.
Example: If a sponsored logo is set to air for 15 seconds, it will be considered “Aired Without Discrepancy” if it airs for 14 seconds and 15 frames due to the Frame Margin being set to 15 frames. If the logo airs for 14 seconds and 14 frames, the BXF file will be reported as “Aired With Discrepancy.”
To add a BXF resource to your scene and configure its Properties:
- Name – Object name to be referenced throughout the scene
- Enabled – Enable/disable this object
- Type – Map this to the type defined in your traffic system
- Target Object – Object in the scene this BXF refers too
- Start/End Keyframe – Start/End keyframes that brings this on/off air
- Event Notes – User friendly notes
- House Number – Match the traffic system house ID
- Name – Traffic system name for this House ID
- Genre – Type in a genre for this House ID
- Description – User friendly description
- Default Length – Minimum duration on air this items is required to air
When the action to bring in the sponsored logo is played a BXF file will be created in the folder defined in the global settings.
Clip Player
The Clip Player resource allows users to have access to any “Clip Controllers” defined in the PRIME Playout Configuration:
- Player: Enumerates the clip players defined in the PRIME Playout Configuration “Clip Players” section.
- Each clip player has an output channel and a layer number assigned to it. (Program Channel 1, Layer -5)
- File: Associates a clip to this player
- Command: These commands control the clip player and can be keyframed. The Clip Players commands are automatically added to Primes “Trigger List” for access everywhere.
- Cue on Scene Load: When the scene is loaded into preview cue the clip.
- Play on Scene Play: When the scene is taken to air play the clip.
- Stop on Scene Stop: When the scene is taken off air stop the clip
Clip Player Events: Allows triggering items from the triggers list
Control Panel
A single Control Panel resource can be added to each individual scene or base scene. See Scene Control Panel in this user guide for more information.
The Advanced Data Object is documented in the Prime Data Object Guide
GPI Out can be added to any scene as a resource within the scene.
GPI Out Properties
- Device: ID of the device. Multiple devices can be used
- Pin: Pin number for the out
- Pulse: Sends out a pulse “High to Low” or “Low to High”.
- Manual: Send the “High or Low” manually. Can be assigned to a keyframe or a control panel button
- Pulse Direction: Set “Low to High” or “High to Low”
- Pulse Duration: When Pulse mode is set to “Pulse” set the duration between the “High to Low” or “Low to High”. of the pulse
- Pulse: Sends the pulse
GPI Events
- On Pulse: Event happens when GPI is pulsed
- On High: Event is raised when GPI goes to high from some other state
- On Low: Event is raised when GPI goes to Low from some other state
When the mode is set to “Manual” two commands will be available in the Triggers list, “High & Low”:
When the mode is set to “Pulse” The Triggers list will show “Pulse” only.
To trigger a GPI out from the timeline, create a keyframe in the timeline editor by clicking the “Add Keyframe” button.
From the “Keyframe Editor” select the “Triggers” combo box that will show the above (Figure 1 & Figure 2)
GPI In resource can be applied to:
- Scene
- Application
- Project
GPI In can be added to any scene as a resource within the scene.
GPI In Properties:
- Device: ID of the device. Multiple devices can be used
- Pin: Pin number for the in
GPI Events
- On High: Event is raised when GPI goes to high from some other state
- On Low: Event is raised when GPI goes to Low from some other state
Hot Key
Hotkey resource can be applied to:
- Scene
- Application
- Project
Key: Select the Key(s) you wish to assign the Hot Key
Command: Select the command (action, condition, sequence ect.) you wish to trigger when the designated keyboard hotkey is pressed.
If a hot key has been assigned in multiple places all of the assigned commands will execute.
*The order of execution is the order in which they are registered in Prime. Generally this will be Application, then Project then Scene. At the scene level it will be prioritized in the order they are played to output.
Execute Behavior
- Active Scene Only - Only executes the command if the scene is the active scene
- Active Section Only - Only executes the command if the scene is in the active section of the channel (Preview or Program)
- Active Channel Only - Executes the command if the scene is in the active channel
- All Channels - Executes the command regardless of if the scene is in the active channel or active section
Execute Section
- Preview - Only executes the command when the scene is in Preview (or not Playing)
- Program - Only executes the command when the scene is in Program (or Playing)
- Preview and Program - Executes the command regardless of whether the scene is in Preview or Program
Hot Key Advanced
Control Panel Focus executes Condition with a Hotkey
This feature allows an operator to tab into a control panel object (which sets the focus) and press a hotkey to run a condition.
Logic Syntax
- ControlPanel.IsActive
- ControlPanel.ActiveControl
- ActiveControl.GetTargetObject()
Example use case is the ability to change the color or weight of the text object bound to the control panel text object that has focus.
Parent Keyword
- This will allow for the active control property to update graphics near selected text object
- Parent keyword is accessible in logic statements
- For example Text1.Parent.Background.File = “abc.png” could be used to update an Image named
- Background that is a sibling to Text 1
Hot Key Logging
- Hot Key triggers can be enabled in Prime workflow Logger.
See the separate dedicated LIDIA Users guide. PRIME LIDIA.pdf
The message object allows you to output messages via Serial port or by Network (Via TCP or UDP).
The “Message” property may be “keyframed” in an Action or the “Send” command can be triggered from an event. This will transmit the message out.
Maintain Connection
When checked, the Message resource connection will open on scene load and close on scene close. It will timeout after 5 seconds if a connection cannot be established.
In UDP mode to broadcast across the entire network set the “Address” property to “”
The message property supports common non-printing codes, hex values, and plain text. Codes and hex values need to be surrounded in a tag (angle brackets < and >) to be interpreted correctly. Plain text can be written anywhere and do not require tags. If a tag is not recognizable, it will be left untouched. If necessary, angle brackets can be escaped with a leading backslash (\<).
Code examples:
- <LF> will be replaced with the line feed character
- <TAB> will be replaced with the tab character
- <EOT> will be replaced with the end of transmission character
Hex examples:
- <A> will be replaced with the line feed character
- <41> will be replaced with the A character
- <7D> will be replaced with the } character
See the user’s guide for more information.
Message formatting also applies to the Header and Terminator properties found in the screenshots above.
See the separate “PRIME Plugin User Guide”.
Adding a table resource to a scene will open a new table window. To toggle visibility of the dockable Table window navigate to View in the toolbar.
Table Properties
- Table Name: Editable alphanumeric text field
- Advanced:
- Index: Option for first row to begin with 1 or 0. Select from drop down 1-Based (default) or 0-Based
- Columns
- Add Column
- Name: Alphanumeric column name
- Type: Select column default type. Table cell value must adhere to column type. For example String = alphanumeric, Boolean = true or false, Color = Hex or RGB value
- Default value
- Add Column
Table View
*For manual entry of data, begin with creating columns in Table properties
Table Toolbar
- Add: Add row
- Remove: Remove Row
- Import: Import CSV
- Import Comma Delimited File. Format available in Excel & Google Sheets
- Prime will automatically pre-determine column type by analyzing the data in the column.
- Option to “Use First Row as Column Headers”
- Delimiter Options
- Comma
- Pipe
- Semicolon
- Tab
*.CSV files can be delimited with different characters (not just commas). This allows the user to specify the delimiter when importing a csv to a table.
Import CSV Examples
Table View Shortcut Keys
Table Arrangement in Table View
- Column can be dragged and dropped into preferred order
- Row can be dragged and dropped into preferred order
- Color Type: Enter a HEX, RGB value or use color picker control
Table Resource can be added to replaceables. This allows table data to be updated through Camio workflow and/or through Intelligent Interface commands.
- Data property for Table Resource:Replaceable = Tab-delimited Data without the Column Names
- Rows. Tab will used as column separator, new line will used as row separator
- JSON property for Table Resource: Replaceable = JSON Data
Data Object data sources can be ingested into the Table Resource.
Please see the PRIME Data Object Guide for more information.
Refer to the PRIME_API_Scripting_Guide for more
The Script Resource Object allows for C# scripting to be part of the scene.
A full C# editor with intellisense (Auto Complete) becomes available. The C# Script Resource allows access to the entire PRIME API.
The Timer Properties panel allow users to configure:
- Clock: Display the system Time of Day. Includes Time zone properties
- Timer Up: Counts upwards to specified time
- Timer Down: Counts downward from specified time
- Time Countdown: Counts downward from specified future time
- Date Countdown: Counts downward from specified future Date
- Time Countup: Counts upwards to specified time
- Date Countup: Counts upwards to specified Date
Timer Commands
Bindings - Binds the clock value to the scene object(s)
- Started
- Stopped
- Finished
Users defined events may be added as well to the “Time Elapsed” event list
Property Changed Events
Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Frames
String literals can be applied in the format using the backslash character
So d:\D\a\y\s will display the “4 Days” if d=4.
Or quote the text you wish to display this way:
- Started: Triggered when the time starts
- Stopped: Triggered when the clock stops
- Finished: Triggered at the defined finish time
XKeys can be set up globally in PRIME Playout module or can be scene based.
If users configure XKeys from the Runtime user interface, these button presses will act globally regardless of any scenes being currently opened.
The “Index” property allows for multiple XKeys devices to be daisy chained. If multiple devices of the same type are plugged in PRIME will allow users to target each separately by using the “Index” property.
Key up and key down properties will expose the Triggers list for users to hook up events to the key presses