The Toolbox
Base Scene
Base scenes can be added as objects in a scene as well as a Scene resource.
(See the “Resources” section). |
When Base scenes are added to scenes the Base Scene will be inserted into the current scene as a Scene child object. Control panel objects will be appended to the Control Panel.
Base Scene Actions and Conditions become available in the Triggers list and through Conditions.
Base scene properties
Same as a normal scene.
Circle Object
Render Properties
- Orthogonal: Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective global: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera: Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera lens: Special kind of projection in line with an external camera.
- Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection.
- The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset: Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On: Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (its Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer.
- The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute.
Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself. - Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer.
- The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Opacity
Circle Properties
- Angle: Visible angle in degrees from 0° to 360°. Value below 360° increases open angle in the circle.
- Diameter: Circle diameter
- Hole: Creates a hole in the circle, making it into a ring.
- Tessellation: Number vertices on the circle perimeter. Higher tessellation makes the circle smoother but consumes more resources to render.
- Center: Open angle is centered at the top (Y+).
- Clock Wise: Clockwise alignment. Angle starts at zero and opens clockwise.
- Counter Clock Wise: Counter-Clockwise alignment. Angle starts at zero and opens counter clockwise
UV Mapping
- Planar: UV coordinates projected linearly by a plane.
- Polar: U is angle, V is distance from center.
Clip Object
The Clip object allows designers to playback clips within Designer and Playout. Supported playback clip formats:
If your use case requires more system resources for clip playback performance, especially when using Apple ProRes based clips, please read about the Copy Threads setting within the PRIME_Playout_Configuration_Guide. The following settings may be configured on the Clip Properties window:
Render properties
The Render subcategory includes:
- Projection: Projection mode. It is method how to map 3D objects to 2D screen plane.
- Orthogonal: Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective global: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera: Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera lens: Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens are tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset: Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
- Projection Center: Center of projection. (Position on the screen where all lines meet in infinity.)
- Light Enabled: Enable use of lights. Applies only to object with generated normals. This feature is ignored when using shaders.
- Double Sided: Double side visibility.
- Depth Function: Function for making decision whether it will write to scene according to z-buffer.
- OFF - Disabled writing to depth buffers. Suitable for flat object which doesn't collide with any other objects.
- ON - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- ALWAYS - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- NEVER - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- EQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- EQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- NOWRITE - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute.
Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself. - GEQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer.
The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
- Priority: Rendering priority within a layer. The higher number the later the object gets rendered. Use with care! Rather use Position.Z instead. The priority change doesn't work well if objects use depth buffer.
- Texture Quality
- Texture Wrap
Transform Properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Clip Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis.
To keep the Scale Aspect fixed to its current dimensions, click the lock icon to Lock Aspect Scale.
Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z |
Surface Properties
The Surface subcategory includes:
- Size Width
- Size Height
- Opacity
Clip Properties
The Clip subcategory includes:
File: Clip file name
Frame – Current Frame number Length –length of the clip file Trim In – Trim the start of the clip. Marks the “In” point Trim Out – Marks the “out point” of the clip Loop – Loop the clip any number of times or indefinitely. Configure the loop as follows:
Clip Events
There are a few ready to use events
There are events for all the clip properties as well: The Clip subcategory includes:
Only available for interlaced clips.
- Match Output Rate: If enabled, automatically adjusts the playback rate of the clip to match the output rate of the channel.
For Playout: Match Output Rate only supports the playout of audio if the video output channel you are playing out to is set to the same frame rate as the frame rate of the clip.- Example 1 - Clip is rendered at 50fps, Output Channel is set to 59.94. Clip will playback at 59.94 instead of 50fps but audio will not play.
- Example 2 - Clip is rendered at 50fps, Output Channel is set to 50fps. Clip will playback at 50fps and audio will play.
File: Shows the clip browser starting in the “Clips” folder of the current project
Clips with the “Warp” icon in the lower right hand corner are flagged as “Warp” clips that contain the UV Mapping information.
Clips with Key icon:
The Events subcategory includes:
- Finished Event: When the clip is finished perform something else available in the scene.
Cone Object
[ ]
Cube Object
Render PropertiesProjection
Projection Center
- On: Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always: Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never: Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal: Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal: Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer.
- The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write: Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute. Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal: Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Cube Properties
- None
- Chamfer
- Round
Cylinder Object
Render Properties
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera.
Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection.
The view matrix is the identity matrix,
it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction. - Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute. Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Opacity: Set the opacity on the surface object
- Cylinder Properties
- Diameter
- Depth
- Angle
- Hole
- Tessellation
- Alignment
- Center
- Clockwise
- Counter Clockwise
UV Mapping
- Planner
- Polar
Bevel Properties
- Size
- Cuve
- Scale
- Tessellation
- Back
- Inside
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Point X-Y: 33
- Data: CSV data in format: "x1,y1\nx2,y2" ... . \n is a new line character.
You can use pipe "|" character instead of new line.
- Color: Stroke color
- End Fade: Position on the stroke where to apply alpha gradient from 1 to 0.
- End Length: The length of end part of the stroke which is made thinner.
- Thickness: Half thickness of the stroke
- Filter Step: Filter step affects finer (lower then 1.0) or coarse (higher then 1.0) sampling of input data.
- Texture: Filename of image file used as a texture on stroke.
- If set to empty string or undefined then no texture is used.
- The texture is always drawn in REPEAT mode.
- To shift the texture along the stroke use TextureMatrix effect and change Offset.X
- Stretch: When undefined the texture is repeated over the stroke.
- Otherwise the parameters define range in which the texture is stretched over the stroke.
- The parts outside the range is not stretched.
Group Object
The default shortcut to add a group to your scene is Ctrl+G. Selecting objects in your scene tree using Ctrl and then pressing Ctrl+G will add a new group to your scene and automatically move the selected objects inside the new group. The default shortcut ungroup is Ctrl+U.
Render Properties
- Inherit - inherits from the parent group. If there is no parent group, then it defaults to
Perspective Global
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera.
Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection.
The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction. - Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute. Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Clip Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Opacity: Set the opacity of the children in the group
Image Object
The following settings may be configured on the Image Properties window:
- Name – The name to be referenced throughout the scene
Render Properties
The Render subcategory includes:
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by a object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera.
- Only the lens are tracked, it means just projection.
- The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
- Projection Center - Center of projection. (Position on the screen where all lines meet in infinity.)
- Light Enabled - Enable use of lights. Applies only to object with generated normals.
- This feature is ignored when using shaders.
- Double Sided - Double side visibility.
- Depth Function- Function for making decision whether it will write to scene according to z-buffer.
- OFF - Disabled writing to depth buffers. Suitable for flat object which doesn't collide with any other objects.
- ON - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- ALWAYS - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- NEVER - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- EQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- EQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- NOWRITE - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute. Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- GEQUAL - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
- Priority- Rendering priority within a layer. The higher number the later the object gets rendered.
- Use with care! Rather use Position.Z instead. The priority change doesn't work well if objects use depth buffer.
- Texture Quality
- Texture Wrap
Transform Properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Image Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis.
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
To keep the Scale Aspect fixed to its current dimensions, click the lock icon to Lock Aspect Scale.
Surface Properties
The Surface subcategory includes:
The red arrow button will allow you to set the Size Mode to determine what happens when the image is replaced. This option gives you many choices.
- Fixed Size: Image will use the Width and Height defined in the properties regardless of the file size
- Size To File: When the File property changes, Width and Height will be set to the File dimensions
- Fit To Width: The Width will be set to the specified Fit Bounds Width, and the Height will be calculated to maintain the aspect of the File Size
- Fit To Height: The Height will be set to the specified Fit Bounds Height, and the Width will be calculated to maintain the aspect of the File Size
- Fit To Bounds: The Size is set to fit within the Fit Bounds, while maintaining file aspect
- Fill To Bounds: The Size is set to fill within the Fit Bounds, while maintaining file aspect
Image Properties
The Image subcategory includes
Image Browser
Selecting images from folders outside the project will prompt you to import or not import the selected image to the project.
Or use as a solid color, ramp or quad:
Shadow Properties
- Hide on Clear: When the image is cleared make the image object Transparent.
- Shadow
- Hide on Clear: When enabled this option will clear the image placeholder. When not enabled it will use the default color to fill the image placeholder.
Image Events
The supported file types are .iv, .rtg, .3ds, .obj and FBX.
Polygon Object
Render Properties
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute.
- Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Polygon Properties
The data section is a string representation of the data needed to display a polygon in the designer or scene.
- Data for a polygon can be directly imported from an existing SVG file by using the Import SVG button
- Once the button is pressed and open file dialog will be presented where the use can select and SVG file.
- Once a file is selected the Import SVG dialog is shown.
- The user can then select the polygons in the file they would like to import but selecting the check box next to the object.
- The Center Paths option will center the polygons in the scene.
- The end result will be one polygon object in the scene create from all the data in the SVG file.
- Texture: Selects the texture for the polygon
- Color: The color of the polygon
- Wrap: Defines how the texture is wrapped on the polygon
- Clamp – Clamps the texture to the polygon geometry
- Repeat – Repeats the texture multiple times to fill polygon
- Depth: Depth of the polygon along the Z-axis
- Quality: Represents the level of detail on the edge of the polygon
- The type of bevel to apply.
- None
- Chamfer
- Size: The size of the bevel
Pod Object
Render Properties
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
Default value. - Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute.
Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself. - Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Size: X,Y and Z size
- Opacity: Set the opacity on the surface object
Pod Properties
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Right
- Corner Shape
- Skew
- Outline
- Tessellation
Bevel Properties
- Size
- Cuve
- Scale
- Tessellation
- Back
- Inside
Rectangle Object
Render Properties
Projection Orthogonal: Orthogonal projection. Perspective local: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object. Perspective Global: Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates. Camera: Projection in line with an external camera. Camera Lens: Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction. Ortho Parent Offset: Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations. |
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute.
- Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Size
- Opacity
- Rectangle Properties
- File
- Skew
- Tessellation
- Corner Shape
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Right
- Skew- Skew angle in degrees from -90° (left) to 90° (right).
- Tessellation- Number vertices on the circle perimeter. Higher tessellation makes the circle smoother but consumes more resources to render.
- Corner Shape- Value -1 is flat, 0 is round, 1 is just a corner.
Sphere Object
Render Properties
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens is tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
Projection Center
- On - Fragment is rendered if object lies close to a observer (it's Z-coordinate is smaller than Z-coordinate in depth buffer). This option ensures the correct visibility of the 3D object surface and its mutual location with other objects.
- Default value.
- Always - Fragment is rendered always independently of depth buffer.
- Never - Fragment isn't rendered ever.
- Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate at a given point is equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. Appropriate for n-pass drawing of the same object.
- Less than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is less or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects.
- No Write - Similar to option "ON" with difference of Stealth attribute. Object is rendered under the rule visibility, but it isn't placed in depth buffer in itself.
- Greater than or Equal - Fragment is rendered if Z-coordinate is greater or equal to Z-coordinate from depth buffer. The later rendered objects in case of equality in Z-coordinate overlay previous rendered objects. Use just for special purposes!
Light Enabled
Double Sided
Depth Function
Transform Properties
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Surface Properties
- Opacity: set the opacity on the surface object
Sphere Properties
- File: Applies a file to the sphere
- Angle: Visible angle in degrees from 0° to 360° around Y axis. Value below 360° increases open angle in the sphere.
- Diameter: Sphere diameter.
- Tessellation: Sphere degree of detail. Higher tessellation makes the sphere smoother but consumers more performance to render.
- UV Mapping:
- Absolute - Texture stretches over visible angle.
- Relative Left - Texture is anchored at the left end and cut at the right side end.
- Relative Right - Texture is anchored at the right side end and cut at the left side end.
- Centered - Texture is centered to the middle of visible angle and cut at both ends
Text Object
The following settings may be configured on the Text Properties window:
- Name – The name of the object that will show everywhere throughout the application.
Render Properties
Projection - It is method how to map 3D objects to 2D screen plane
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by a object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera.
Only the lens are tracked, it means just projection.
The view matrix is the identity matrix,
it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction. - Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
- Projection Center - Center of projection. (Position on the screen where all lines meet in infinity.)
- Light Enabled - Enable use of lights. Applies only to object with generated normals.
This feature is ignored when using shaders. - Double Sided - Double side visibility.
Transform properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Text Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis.
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
To keep the Scale Aspect fixed to its current dimensions, click the lock icon to Lock Aspect Scale.
Surface properties
The Surface subcategory includes settings for:
- Size – Sets the height and width of the bounding box. The dropdown gives the following choices:
- Reset: Resets the bounding box
- Full screen: Makes the bounding box full screen
- Fit To Text: Wraps the bounding box around the bounds of the text
- Text- Read only property that shows the actual text bounds
- Opacity – Sets the opacity level from 0 to 100%
Text Properties
The Text subcategory allows for the selection of the Font, Font Size, Opacity and a variety of other font attributes.
The following “In-Line” text attribute tags are available:
Color Picker
- Kerning - Adjusts the spacing between characters
- Leading - Adjusts the spacing between lines of text
- Space Width – Sets the width of the default space character
- Fixed Pitch – Each character will occupy the same amount of horizontal space. This is good for clocks so the text will not “breathe”
- Caps Ratio - Sets text to all uppers and adjusts the ratio between capital letters
Note that Kerning, Leading, Fixed Pitch and Caps Ratio are all keyframeable.
Shadow and Outline (Border)
Text Style Browser
Text styles may be “referenced.” This means that changing the style of a text affects all other text objects in the scene or project.
If the Style is referenced, you will see an image of the style in the Style drop down box.
First Character aligns column data by the first character it finds by the defined character in the text.
Last Character aligns column data by the last character it finds by the defined character in the text
In this example we set the First character to the comma character:
Line Flow
All Caps: When All Caps is enabled, inputted text on output will be forced to capitalization. When a user types in the same text whether it is lowercase or uppercase, Prime will not see this as two different values when Behavior is set to On Change. (example: hello vs Hello vs HELLO will not trigger a Transition with the Behavior set to On Change)
Direction: Based on the Windows language setting the “Direction” icon will appear. This allows orientation and support for Right to Left languages
Number Format
When added to keyframes the numbers will animate from their current value to the next value.
3D Text
Advanced Text Settings
- Auto Resolution - When checked, renders text at optimal resolution striking a balance between visual quality and engine output performance.
- Optimize Updates - When enabled along with UDP setting, optimizes text data for real time rendering. Text Size updates and Transitions will not be supported with this option enabled.
- Scene Example Use Case - Enable for any text objects that are being updated frequently such as 10ths of a second on a timer to ensure updates are prioritized.
- *Users must enable UDP in playout configuration in order to enable Optimize Updates for real time rendering. If UDP is not enabled and user selects optimize text for real time rendering they will see warning in UI to enable UDP.
Text Events
You can trigger other objects methods whenever the text changes.
All of the Text objects properties have events when these properties change:
Text Tags
You can use Text Tags to change the color attributes of the text within a single text object.
Available Tags:
- Tag 0 (\c0) will reset the text color back to the text objects default color
- Tag 1 (\c1)
- Tag 2 (\c2)
- Tag 3 (\c3)
- Tag 4 (\c4)
Text Tags require “Solid” mode to be selected
Style Tags
Style tags are effects. See the section on “Style Tags” in the effects section.
Tube Object
Transform Properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Video Input Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis.
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
Data Properties
- Point: Adds or removes a data point
- Data: CSV data in format: "x1,y1,z1\nx2,y2" ... . \n is a new line character.
- You can use pipe "|" character instead of new line.
- Path Length: Limit length of the tube. Value is relative. 0 is no tube drawn, 1 is full tube drawn.
- Texture Map: Type of V texture coordinate mapping.
- Texture V mapping type:
- ABSOLUTE - V goes from 0 to path's length. Unless the extrusion is very small, this length will probably be much larger than 1.0.
- RELATIVE - V goes from 0 to 1 over the whole path.
- SEGMENTED - Integer part is equal to segment's index (from 0) and
fractional part goes from 0.0 to 1.0 on every segment.
Contour Properties
- Aspect: Higher value makes it wider.
- Rotation: Contour rotation in degrees.
- Useful for low tessellation settings. Applied before Aspect!
- Diameter: Contour diameter (tube thickness).
- Tessellation: Higher tessellation makes the contour smoother but consumes more resources to render.
- Smooth: Set to checked to make the contour faceted. Set to unchecked to make it smooth.
Video Input Object
The following settings may be configured on the Video Input Properties window:
- Name – The user-friendly name to refer to the object throughout the application
Render Properties
The Render subcategory includes:
- Projection – Projection mode. It is method how to map 3D objects to 2D screen plane.
- Orthogonal - Orthogonal projection.
- Perspective local - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is affected by an object.
- Perspective Global - Central projection. The mid-point of projection is immovable in screen coordinates.
- Camera - Projection in line with an external camera.
- Camera Lens - Special kind of projection in line with an external camera. Only the lens are tracked, it means just projection. The view matrix is the identity matrix, it doesn't depend on a location or camera direction.
- Ortho Parent Offset - Orthogonal projection. The center of coordinate system is offset by current node position in the view of parent projection and transformations.
- Projection Center – Center of projection. (Position on the screen where all lines meet in infinity.)
- Light Enabled – Enable use of lights. Applies only to object with generated normals. This feature is ignored when using shaders.
- Double Sided – Double side visibility.
Transform Properties
The Transform subcategory allows for the manipulation of the Video Input Objects Position, Scale, Rotation and Pivot along the XYZ axis.
- Position: Position the object in X, Y or Z
- Scale: Scale the object in X, Y or Z
- Rotation: Rotate the object in X, Y or Z
- Pivot: Move the Pivot Position of the object in X, Y or Z
- Origin: Move the Origin Position of the object in X, Y or Z
To keep the Scale Aspect fixed to its current dimensions, click the lock icon to Lock Aspect Scale.
Surface Properties
The Surface subcategory includes:
- Size Width
- Size Height
- Opacity
Video Input Properties
The Video Input subcategory allows the user to select the SDI Input.
Audio Properties
The Audio subcategory includes:
- Volume – Decibel levels
- Channels – The Audio Router is a matrix for routing inputs to outputs. The default is 1 to 1 etc.
Duck Audio Channels 1 & 2 example action:
Video In Events