Available in version 1.8.1 and above
Displays values visualized as 3D bars
- Drag and drop weather template from PRIME VSAR Templates > BarChartTemplate into the scene from Place Actors menu.
This immediately creates weather pillars preview based on dummy data provided with the template.
- ⚠️ Using the dummy data DataTable will result in saving your values per VSAR installation. It is important to create a new DataTable described in the next step.
The source DataTable can be found inside of the blueprint Details panels - Charts base section - Source Data Table.
To modify the data, locate the data table in the Content Browser, or simply by clicking on a magnifying glass next to it in the Detail panel.
To modify the data right-click the DataTable and choose Open in External Editor option.
- If this option is grayed out, re-export the table into .CSV or to create a new DataTable.
- Right-click the DataTable Export as .CSV - save it into the same folder as the original DataTable was saved.
- To find out where it was saved:
- Right-click the DataTable and choose - Open Source Location.
- To find out where it was saved:
- After reexporting the DataTable to .CSV Drag and drop the .CSV from file explorer (folder) to content browser (to the same folder with the DataTable or to a different content folder to create a new DataTable).
- make sure to select correct DataTable Row Type shown below (if this window appears):
- Drag and drop the DataTable from content browser back to the source DataTable that can be found inside of the blueprint Details panels - Charts base section - Source Data Table
- Right-click the DataTable Export as .CSV - save it into the same folder as the original DataTable was saved.
- After this, you can put the editor into play mode.
- To raise up the pillars in play mode simply press the “+” button on Numpad or “-” to lower the weather template down.
- While the barchart template is raised up, you can modify the .CSV source file which serves as a source for the Template and the weather template should update accordingly.
- Adding/Removing rows in .CSV adds or removes the number of bars
- Size to bar scale value - When active bars get scaled to Bar scale value (to the value below) so that the highest value is scaled to the Bar scale value as if it was the highest value. Example: highest value is 10 and Bar scale value is 150, children bars will be scaled 15 times to get the highest value to the desired height.
- Bar scale value - Value in unreal units (cm by default)
- Bar minimum value - Restricts the minimum value of the bar (after scale), if the value of the bar is below this value it will be bound to the minimum value. Example: bar value is 0 and minimum value is 14 then the bar height will be as if the bar would have the value of 14.
To use the template with CAMIO/LUCI, refer to the chapter CAMIO/LUCI use for Weather Template as the use is very similar.
📝 Exported template in LUCI supports up to 15 bars
Showcase of this functionality can be seen in this video for LUCI and for CAMIO/ENPS.