In this section we will use a Virtual Studio template project and insert video signal in it.
Create New Project
- Create a new project by selecting the PRIME VSAR example project and press Next.
PRIME VSAR comes with a couple of Virtual Studio samples provided at Unreal marketplace. Select the one of the Virtual Studios (e.g. Studio A) and press Next.
As for any Unreal projects, settings may be set up before creating it, but may be later changed. It is recommended to have Maximum Quality and Desktop/Console by default. Specify the Project path where the related files will be saved, its name and then press Create Project.
PRIME VSAR will automatically restart and load the new Project.
Create Video Board and File Inputs
- In the Content Browser, create a new Folder, e.g. ‘Media’ or Composure (right-click > ‘New Folder’).
- From that folder, create a new Media Player (right-click > ‘Media > Media Player’).
- A pop-up window will display.
- Check the ‘Video output Media Texture asset’ checkbox in order to allow the Media Player to be inserted into Objects within the Virtual Studio. This will create 2 objects, a MediaPlayer and a MediaPlayer_Video.
1- In the case an incoming Video Signal onto a Matrox board is available, follow the procedure below, otherwise jump to 2.
Create a new ‘Hal Media Source’ (right-click > ‘Media > Hal Media Source’).
Double-click the HalMediaSource object and select the input from the dropdown
⚠️When no inputs are available, possible causes: Cesium consuming HAL inputs - to solve this in Cesium go to Tools → Preferences... → Video → Enable Matrox and disable it (this will free HAL inputs but Cesium will not see video inputs for calibration, recommended after calibration), HAL.xml configuration, license
Double-click the MediaPlayer object, select the HalMediaSource object to preview it. Then Save.
2 - To use a input Video File within the Virtual Studio:
Create a new ‘File Media Source’ (right-click > ‘Media > File Media Source’).
Double-click the FileMediaSource object and add a video with a unicolor (blue/green) background and Save.
Double-click the MediaPlayer object, select the FileMediaSource object to preview it. Enable the Loop option and Save.
Create Billboard Actor
Add a ‘Empty Actor’ object by dragging and dropping it into the virtual studio.
Add a ‘MaterialBillboard’ Component. A Billboard is like a Plane object, excepting that it is always facing the Camera.
From the MaterialBillboard settings, add a Sprite element, select the Material drop-down menu and create a new Material asset.
Still in the MaterialBillboard settings, under Sprite > Elements > 0, change the Base Size X and Y values to 90 and 160. Change the Z position of the Billboard to be coinciding with the floor.
Create Chroma Keyer Compositing
From the top right ‘Composure Compositing’ window, right-click and select ‘Create New Comp’. On the pop-up window select ‘CompositingElement’.
Select the Compositing Element, right-click and select ‘Add Layer Element’. On the pop-up window select ‘Media Plate’.
In the Media Plate settings, go to ‘Composure > Input > Inputs > MediaSource’ and drop the ‘MediaPlayer_Video’ object into the ‘Media Source’ field.
Go to ‘Transform Passes > Chroma Keying’ and add a ‘Key Colors’ Element.
Click the Color Picker and select a color representative pixel for the transparency.
Under ‘Transform Passes > Material Parameters’ you can refine the Chroma sensitivity using e.g. with the ChromaBound and the DevignetteOuter parameters.
Go to ‘Output’ and add a ‘Outputs’ Element. Set the ‘OutputPass_0’ to ‘Render Target Asset’.
Under ‘OuputPass_0 > Render Target’ click the drop-down menu and create a new ‘Render Target’ Asset.
Create material and resize texture for the Billboard
From the Content Browser, double-click the Material Asset to edit it.
From the left panel, set the Blend Mode to ‘Translucent’ and the Shading Model to ‘Unlit’.
In the main window, right-click and add a ‘TextureSampleParameter2D. Link then the created object’ ‘RGB’ output to the Material’s ‘Emissive Color’ input and the ‘Alpha’ output to the ‘Opacity’ input.
In the ‘Param’ object’s parameter in the left panel, go to ‘Material Expression Texture Base > Param’ and select the ‘TextureRenderTarget2D’ Asset. Apply and Save.
This last operation should display the input media into the Virtual Studio, well done!