Components that are aimed to make custom template creation easier. They can be added with the Add Component button in the blueprint editor.
Camio 2D/3D Text Component
“CAMIO 2D Text Component” is based on Text Render Component and “CAMIO 3D Text Component” is based on 3D Text Component, Both can be placed into 3D world, but the 2D Text Component has a flat billboard like look to it. Both components can transition between two texts and have built-in support for CAMIO workflow.
Text Inputs
In the Text (3D) section in the details panel text components have two text inputs: From Text that is the current text if the transition didn’t start yet and Text (To Text) that appears after transition finishes.
CAMIO 2D Text Component supports fonts only in Offline mode with Use Distance Field Alpha turned on, if there is need to include a foreign characters for this font, these characters need to be included in the font’s Characters array ahead of production. Changing what Characters array contains can be changed by setting Unicode Range in Import Options of the font for example: “0001-017F'' including unicode ranges for desired character symbols, then reimporting font to apply these settings. Duplicate Material in “Mithril Content/Templates/Text2D” (you can find it by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the material) and move the copy to your content folder, Edit the material copy and change the corresponding font in the material inside parameter Font. Assign the new font material to the CAMIO 2D Text Component with custom font.
CAMIO 3D Text Component supports fonts only in Runtime mode, so there is no need to include foreign characters but these characters need to be present in the font file.
Transition Type
Transition Type as well as transition Direction can be changed under the Template section in the details panel.
Premade transition types are: Fade - a simple dissolve transition, Push where the From Text moves away and the To Text comes in to replace it and Wipe where sweeping line changes From Text to the To Text along this line.
The duration and smoothness of the transition can be changed with a Vector Curve asset, X axis represents the From Text transition and Y axis Represents the Text (To Text) transition (Z is unused). A custom Vector Curve asset reference can be set in the Vector Curve parameter under the Template section (Advanced section) in the details panel.
Transitions can be further customized with Material Attributes parameters:
Blueprint functions
Setting text through “SetFromText” and “SetToText” is highly recommended. Setting variables directly or using the function “SetText” from the parent component may result in the text visual not being properly displayed.
Texts include automatically pre-populated CAMIO replaceables prepared for the CAMIO workflow. They can be found under the Template section (Advanced section) in the details panel.
If you do not wish to export default replaceables to use your custom replaceables instead, you can do so by unchecking the Export bool value.
There is a video tutorial showing how to work with texts and use them in the CAMIO workflow.
Scale Box
About Scale Box
A Scale Box is a component that scales attached content depending on the scale type selected.
Scale Box Setup
- Add Scale Box by Add Component button.
- Drag and drop desired component to be scaled on the Scale Box Component to be attached to it as a child, resulting in this hierarchy:
Stretch Type
Scale is determined by Stretch Type that can be changed under the Template section in detail panel.
Predefined scratch types are: None doesn't scale, Fill Scales to fill out the box non-uniformly, Scale to fit scales uniformly to fit inside the box, Scale to fit X/Y/Z scales uniformly to fit into the box's specified dimension and Scale to Fill scales uniformly to the largest box dimension.
Scale Texts Separately
Makes text sizes the same by stretching smaller text non-uniformly. This also applies for multiline texts.
If enabled, overflow out of the box is cut for supported components: CAMIO 2D Text Component, CAMIO 3D Text Component.
Here is a video tutorial explaining how to work with scale box.
⚠️ When using ScaleBox, any translation, rotation, and additional scaling should be done to the ScaleBox and not its children components as this may result in unpredictable behavior.
📝 MtTextPrimitive is currently not supported by Scale Box.