This section explains how to set up Depth of field in VSAR Cesium camera, which represents the Focus on real lens.
To enable depth of field with focus distance driven by Cesium:
- Select the Cesium camera
- Enable Cesium Tracking
- If Cesium does not provide the actual focus distance directly (most of the time it's not the case), set the lens Minimum Focus Distance based on the real lens specs (in meters, eg. 0.5m)
- Enable Focal Distance post processing (its value is displayed in cm and is automatically filled from cesium data)
- Optional: depending on how the focus distance is mapped, it may be necessary to invert the mapping.
- By default, min focus distance is mapped to an encoder value of 0 and infinity (~10km) to 1.
- Other options are available, such as Aperture (F-stop) which can increase or decrease the blur effect, change the look of the bokeh. Smaller F-stop values increase the blur.