Scenes within PRIME VSAR have to be created using CAMIO related specific objects, in order to make them available within LUCI as Templates, and thus useable within NRCS systems such as iNews or ENPS for creating new Graphic objects, which can be then played out with ISQ.
Check out the following document to set up the PRIME VSAR ↔ CAMIO Integration.
LUCI5 with PRIME VSAR Template
ENPS with LUCI5 and PRIME VSAR Template
Playout with ISQ
Creation example with a simple Text Scene
The goal of this example is to create a simple Text Scene in VSAR to be accessible in CAMIO for creation, rendering and playout with LUCI, a NRCS and ISQ.
VSAR Scenes should be of a specific Blueprint Class: “CamioTemplate” in order to be able interact with them in CAMIO.
Within the newly created Scene’s (or ‘BluePrint Class’ in Unreal environment) Event Graph window, the following Items should be created:
Click ‘Add Component’ to create a Text Replaceable by selecting ‘Mt Text Primitive’. Drag and drop the created element onto the Canvas. This should also add the text object into the main design window.
- Create a TextInput variable of type ‘Camio Replaceable’.
- Compile to get access to the ‘Value Fields’.
- Drag and drop the created component into the Canvas and select the ‘Get TextInput’ option that is displayed. Then right-click the created element and select ‘Split Struct Pin’ to display the Value element of this Text Variable.
Right-Click and create an Event Render.
Right-Click and create an Event Take.
Right-Click and create a ‘Set HTML’ Action.
Right-Click and create a ‘Render Finished’ Action.
Right-Click and create a ‘Take Finished’ Action.
Nodes Mapping
Link all the blocks like in the picture below:
Press ‘Compile’ and Save the scene.
Create a Camera Composition and positionate it using the right menu to capture the text object frontally.
Scene import in CAMIO
In order to export that Scene to CAMIO, select the corresponding component from the left-side menu and click ‘Export CRD file…’ from the right-side menu.
Save the CRD file in any folder. Open CAMIO Asset Manager, select a Context and a sub-category, click the ‘Upload’ button and upload the CRD file.
Test of the VSAR Scene Rendering with LUCI
Check that CAMIO Data Engine is configured correctly by opening the Data Engine web page and the settings of the ‘hybrid.endpointhandler’ bucket. it should be set as follow:
Restart the ‘ChyronHego Endpoint Handler’ Windows service on the VSAR system.
Press the ‘Play’ (▶) button on the Scene’s window in VSAR.
Open the created Template in LUCI5, add some text in the available field and press the ‘Generate Preview’ button.
Test of the VSAR Scene Playout with ISQ
For such test you would need to have a full system including ENPS or iNEWS NRCS, CAMIO and ISQ available.
Change the Data Engine’s ‘hybrid.endpointhandler’ bucket settings back to ‘playout’:
In ISQ Service configuration page, under Plugins, select ‘Data Engine Output Plugin’, press ‘Configure’ and set the VSAR server hostname as Playout Endpoint Host.
Restart the ‘ChyronHego Endpoint Handler’ Windows service on the VSAR system.
Press the ‘Play’ button on the Scene’s window in VSAR.
Configure iSQViewer
From the NRCS connected to CAMIO and ISQ, create a Rundown, a Story and new Graphics from the VSAR Scene, load the Rundown to ISQ and Play.
LUCI Render
The render will use the Camera component (the base Unreal Camera, UCameraComponent) inside the CAMIO Blueprint if available.