Drag and drop weather template from PRIME VSAR Templates > WeatherTemplate_7Days into the scene from Place Actors menu.
This immediately creates weather pillars preview based on dummy data provided with the template.
⚠️ Using the dummy data DataTable will result in saving your values per VSAR installation. It is important to create new DataTable described in next step
The source DataTable can be found next to the template itself. And inside of the blueprint itself in Details panels - Weather Template tab (Charts base in 1.8.1) - Weather Data.
To modify the data, locate the data table in the Content Browser, or simply by clicking on a magnifying glass next to it in the Detail panel.
This will bring you to DataTable in the Content Browser.
- To modify the data right-click the DataTable and choose Open in External Editor option.
- If this option is grayed out, re-export the table into .CSV.
- Right-click the DataTable Export as .CSV and save it into the same folder as the original DataTable was saved.
- To find out where it was saved:
- Right-click the DataTable and choose Open Source Location.
- To find out where it was saved:
- After reexporting the DataTable to .CSV, a prompt from unreal engine will appear. Click Import.
- After this you will get an option to automatically create a new DataTable from your newly exported .CSV file.
- From a dropdown menu in the following table choose the following data structure as shown on the picture: MtWeatherTemplateUseForDataTableCreation. This will create a new DataTable.
- From a dropdown menu in the following table choose the following data structure as shown on the picture: MtWeatherTemplateUseForDataTableCreation. This will create a new DataTable.
- After this you will get an option to automatically create a new DataTable from your newly exported .CSV file.
- Right-click the DataTable Export as .CSV and save it into the same folder as the original DataTable was saved.
- Drag and drop it onto the WeatherTemplate - Weather Data Table - in the Detail panel inside the Weather Template tab, shown on the first image in this section.
- After this, you can put the editor into play mode.
- To raise up the pillars in play mode simply press the “+” button on Numpad or “-” to lower the weather template down.
- While the Weather template is raised up, you can modify the .CSV source file which serves as a source for the Template and the weather template should update accordingly.
- Please note that you have to keep the format of the .CSV file as is (Adding any other rows or columns will cause undefined behavior.).
- Do not change the first column - days description while in playmode.
- You can change the temperatures at will.
- You can change the weather description to be one of the following weather types:
- Sunny
- Mostly_Sunny
- Rainy
- Snowy
- Mostly_Cloudy
- Heavy_Rain
- Thunder
- Haily
- These weather descriptions have to be written precisely as presented here, otherwise, any other weather type will cause undefined behavior.
To use the template with CAMIO/LUCI.
- Put the editor into playmode.
- Note that the template in default settings is set to not to rise on itself.
To export a CAMIO template, find the Weather Template in the scene, either in play mode inside of World Outliner Window, or outside of Play in Editor simply by clicking on the Template gizmo in the scene, which looks like a white ball. After that:
- While having the template selected in the scene or in Content Browser - In CAMIO Template Tab, in the Detail panel locate the Export CRD file… button and press it.
- This will export all the necessary data into a .CRD file importable to CAMIO/LUCI.
- Import this template into CAMIO/LUCI.
- From LUCI, you can change the data, and as soon as the Unreal Engine is in play mode - click the Render Preview Button in LUCI. VSAR will change the data to desired ones - from LUCI and will render a preview for LUCI.
For a more in detail showcase take a look at this video from around 3:00 time.
Prerequisites: This setup expects that you already have ENPS set up, you are able to create rundowns and ISQ is connected and communicating with VSAR.
- Using the same steps as in CAMIO/LUCI usage guide above, expor.CRD file from Weather Template.
- Load it into CAMIO/LUCI.
- Open ENPS client.
- Create a new rundown, name it as you find suitable.
- Connect MOS by clicking on the MOS button on the bottom part of the ENPS client
- This displays the CAMIO/LUCI tab in the ENPS client. This may take a few seconds.
- Create a new story by clicking on a plus button on the top right tab.
- Select story.
- This will create a new story for you, you can rename it as you find suitable by double-clicking on its tab.
- If you have loaded the template into CAMIO/LUCI, it should appear in the bottom right corner MOS tab.
- Select it from the selection.
- Modify the values.
- When you are satisfied with the values, click the Insert button.
- This will insert template settings in your newly created story.
- Create as many story points as you like by repeating this process from point 8.
- To get the story to be played, drag and drop it by its tab...
...onto the Rundown top part of the ENPS client just over the black line as you can see in the image below. - After dropping the story, it should appear in the rundown as follows:
- Double-click the story in the rundown, this should open it and in the top tab of ENPS client you should open Story tab:
- In the story tab, find and click the Approve button.
- Double-click the Rundown in its blank space.
- Go to the Production tab.
- Here click the buttons OnAir, Mos Control Active, Mos Ready to Air, so your panel should look like this:
- After this, open an ISQ Viewer.
- In here you should already see your previously created rundown. If not, there might be a problem with your ISQ/ENPS/CAMIO settings, please contact support (this might be a more complex setup issue to debug).
- Click your rundown and click the View button in the top part of ISQ Viewer.
- Your rundown should show up along with your previously created story points.
- From here you can run your story points by pressing Take and Stop buttons on the top left part of the ISQ viewer.
Showcase of this functionality can be seen in this video: WeatherTemplate_ENPS.