Each VSAR server is connected to a Data Engine instance. PRIME VSAR is listening to bucket: “ue4” and key: “lua_in”
Note: “ue4” name is retained from ue4 due to backward compatibility
Actor( InActorID, index )
- The constructor tyres to match the unique ActorID first, if it’s unsuccessful it fallbacks to ActorName (label)
- If the index is set to true or not set it will search for the first occurrence of the ActorName.
- If an index is set to a number and there are multiple occurrences it will act like an index.
- For example:
- There are 4 actors named “Chair” in the level (ChairStuff, Chair_2, ChairStuff_16, ChairStuff)
- Actor(“Chair_2”) will contain the Chair_2
- Actor(“Chair”, true) will contain the first occurrence found of Chair
- Actor(“Chair”, 2) will contain the third occurrence found of chair
- Actor(“Chair”) will contain the first occurrence found of Chair
- “Chair_2” has ID “StaticMeshActor_2”
- Actor(“StaticMeshActor_2”) will contain the Chair_2
- In the other classes/functions when there is a parameter named InActorID with another parameter Index it refers to this behavior.
- There are 4 actors named “Chair” in the level (ChairStuff, Chair_2, ChairStuff_16, ChairStuff)
- Returns the name of the actor (as a FString)
- Example:
- PrintLog(Actor(“Cube1”).GetName()) -- prints the name of the found actor
Move( x, y, z )
- Move an actor by actor ID.
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).Move(960, 540, 0)
Rotate( pitch, yaw, roll )
- Rotate an actor by actor ID
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).Rotate(360, 0, 0)
Scale( x, y, z )
- Scale an actor by actor ID.
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).Scale(1, 10, 1)
Show( )
- Show an actor by actor ID.
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).Show()
Hide( )
- Hide an actor by actor ID.
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).Hide()
- Sets the visibility of the actor by ID.
- Example
- Actor(“Cube1”).SetVisibility(true)
CallBlueprintFunction( InFunctionName, Parameters ... )
- Calls the actors blueprint function by name
- Examples
- Calling a function without parameter
- Actor("TestLua").CallBlueprintFunction( "FuncNoParam" )
- Calling a function with a string parameter
- Actor("TestLua").CallBlueprintFunction( "FuncStrParam", "Test" )
- Calling a function with a number parameter
- Actor("TestLua").CallBlueprintFunction( "FuncNumberParam", 42 )
- Calling a function with a vector parameter
- Actor("TestLua").CallBlueprintFunction( "FuncVectorParam", "( X=1.0 , Y=2.0 ,Z=3.0 )" )
- \Calling a function with two parameters: LinearColor and bool
- Actor("TestLua").CallBlueprintFunction( "FuncTwoParams", "( R=1.0, G=0.0, B=0.5, A=1.0 )", false )
SetVar( InVarName, InValue )
- Set an actor variable by actor name and variable path/name.
- Examples
- Set a float value
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("FloatVar", 10.0)
- Set a bool value
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("BoolVar", true)
- Set X value in a Vector
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("VectorVar.X", 42)
- We can also set a vector
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("VectorVar", ToFVector( 10, 20, 30 ) )
- We can set a FLinearColor
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("LinearColorVar", ToFLinearColor(1, 0, 0, 1) )
- Or just the R value
- Actor("TestLua", true).SetVar("LinearColorVar.G", 1.0)
- Set a float value
GetVar( InVarName, InValue )
- When using GetVar it returns a json string, containing the type, the name and the value of the var
- Examples
- Get the json string of the var “FloatVar”
- local floatJson = Actor("TestLua", true).GetVar("FloatVar")
- Decode the string
- local floatDecoded = JSON:decode( FromFString( floatJson ) )
- Get the json string of the var “FloatVar”
Print the value of FloatVar
- PrintLog( floatDecoded.Name .. “=” .. floatDecoded.Value )
- This also works for structs:
Get the json string of “VectorVar”
- local vectorJson = Actor("TestLua", true).GetVar("VectorVar")
Decode the string
- local vectorDecoded = JSON:decode( FromFString( vectorJson ) )
iterate and print each properties
- for i,v in pairs( vectorDecoded.Properties ) do
- PrintLog( v.Name .. "=" .. v.Value )
- end
Get reference to component in Actor defined by his name of type.
- local actor1 = Actor("TestActor1");
- PrintLog(actor1.GetName());
- local component = actor1.GetComponentByName("MtCamio2DText");
- PrintLog(component.GetName());
- PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, strNameOfFunction)
Call function without parameter defined for component.
- local actor1 = Actor("TestActor1");
- PrintLog(actor1.GetName());
- local component = actor1.GetComponentByName("MtCamio2DText");
- PrintLog(component.GetName());
- PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, "Play" );
PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, strNameOfFunction, strPar1)
Call function with one parameter defined for component.
- local actor1 = Actor("TestActor1");
- PrintLog(actor1.GetName());
- local component = actor1.GetComponentByName("MtCamio2DText");
- PrintLog(component.GetName());
- PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, "SetXScale", "1.0");
- PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, "SetYScale", "1.0");
PropertyTools.CallFunction(component.ObjectPtr, strNameOfFunction, strPar1, strPar2)
Call function with two parameters defined for component.
LevelSequence( InActorID )
Play( )
- Play a sequence in a level by actor name.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).Play()
Pause( )
- Pause a sequence in a level by actor name.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).Pause()
PlayReverse( )
- Play a sequence reversed in a level by actor name.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).PlayReverse()
PlayToSeconds( seconds )
- Play a sequence until the outpoint in a level by actor name and value.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).PlayToSeconds(5.0)
ScrubToSeconds( seconds )
- Seek a sequence in a level by actor name and value in seconds.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).ScrubToSeconds(1.0)
PlayRate( playRate )
- Set the play speed of the sequence. The play rate is 1.0 based. 1.0 is default speed, 2.0 is 2 times the speed, 0.5 half of the speed.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“MySequence”).PlayRate(1.0)
TimeRange( startTime, duration )
- Set the sequence time from and time end values to play a smaller sequence by sequence name in seconds.
- Example
- LevelSequence(“Sequence”).TimeRange(1.0, 5.0)
MtABSwitch( InActorID )
- There are general commands and per player commands
- Parameters between “[ ]” are optional.
General Commands
SetEffectDuration ( InDuration )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).SetEffectDuration(5.0)
SetEffect( InEffectName )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).SetEffect(“PushLeft”)
StartTransition( [InName], [InDuration] )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).StartTransition()
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).StartTransition(“WipeLeft”)
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).StartTransition(“Fade”, 10)
Player commands:
There are 2 players: Program and Preview
OpenFile( InFilePath )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.OpenFile(“D:/content/testclip.mpg”);
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.OpenFile(“D:/content/testimage.png”);
OpenVidigoInputStream( InStreamID )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.OpenVidigoInputStream(“inputA”);
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.OpenVidigoInputStream(“inputB”);
OpenUrl( InUrl )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.OpenUrl(“DaveShm://InputA”);
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.OpenUrl(“File://D:/content/testclip.mpg”);
Play( )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.Play();
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.Play();
Pause( )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.Pause();
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.Pause();
Rewind( )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.Rewind();
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.Rewind();
SetLooping( bIsLooping )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.SetLooping(true);
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.SetLooping(false);
IsLooping( )
- Example
- local isProgramLooping = MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.IsLooping();
- local isPreviewLooping = MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.IsLooping();
IsPlaying( )
- Example
- local isProgramPlaying = MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.IsPlaying(“”);
- local isPreviewPlaying = MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.IsPlaying(“”);
SetRate( InRate )
- Example
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Program.SetRate(2.0);
- MtABSwitch(“CH_ABSwitch_1”).Preview.SetRate(0.5);
CesiumCamera( InActorID, index )
AddActorToForeground( InActorName, index )
- Adds the actor to the cameras key channel
- Example
- CesiumCamera(“CesiumCamera”, true).AddActorToForeground(“Chair”, true)
RemoveActorFromForeground( InActorName, index )
- Removes the actor from the cameras key channel
- Example
- CesiumCamera(“CesiumCamera”, true).RemoveActorFromForeground(“Chair”, true)
AddActorToMatte( InActorName, index )
- Adds the actor to che key channel but hiddes it from the fill channel
- Example
- CesiumCamera(“CesiumCamera”, true).AddActorToMatte(“Chair”, true)
RemoveActorFromMatte( InActorName, index )
- Removes the actor from the key channel and put’s it again in the fill channel
- Example
- CesiumCamera(“CesiumCamera”, true).RemoveActorFromMatte(“Chair”, true)
DataEngine.WriteToKey( Bucket, Key, Value )
- Write the value to the Bucket/Key of the engines currently connected Data Engine
- Example
- DataEngine.WriteToKey("TestBucket", "TestKey", ToFString( "TestString !" ) )
Only works for sublevels while in PIE
LevelShow( SubLevelName )
- Shows the sublevel (needs to be loaded)
- Example
- LevelShow("MySubLevel")
LevelHide( SubLevelName )
- Hides the sublevel (needs to be loaded)
- Example
- LevelHide("MySubLevel")
OpenLevel( levelName )
- Permanently opens a level by it’s name
- Example
- OpenLevel("NewLevel")
OpenLevelFast( levelName )
- Temporarily opens a level by it’s name, Works only in PIE, Can be Faster then OpenLevel
- Example
- OpenLevelFast("NewLevel")
- Starts the Play in editor (PIE)
- Stops the Play in editor (PIE)
OpenProject ( projectPath )
- Opens project if the provided path is valid. VSAR needs to be already running.
- Example
- OpenProject("C:\\VSAR\\Temp\\MyProject5\\MyProject5.uproject")
PrintLog( Str )
Prints the string as a “Log” verbosity (grey)
- Example
- PrintLog(42)
- PrintLog( Actor(“Chair”, true ) )
PrintLog_Warning( Str )
Prints the string as a “Warning” verbosity (yellow)
- Example
- PrintLog_Warning(42)
- PrintLog_Warning( Actor(“Chair”, true ) )
PrintLog_Error( Str )
Prints the string as a “Error” verbosity (red)
- Example
- PrintLog_Error(42)
- PrintLog_Error( Actor(“Chair”, true ) )
ToFString( str )
Converts a string to FString
ToFVector( x, y, z )
Converts x, y, z to FVector
ToFVector2D( x, y )
Converts x, y to FVector2D
ToFRotator( pitch, yaw, roll )
Converts pitch, yaw, roll to FRotator
ToFLinearColor( r, g, b, a )
Converts r, g, b, a to FLinearColor
FromFString( str )
Converts back FString to Lua
FromFVector( Vec )
Converts back FVector to Lua
FromFRotator( Rot )
Converts back FRotator to Lua